Oops! Sorry little guy, Obama screws you again.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ChkitOut, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. Yes, but this will make the "best" be more expensive than it is now. This is not in anyone's best interest, especially if you intend to be in the crowd that pays for the "best".

    I too know physicians, who say that it will be good for SOME docs (like psychs since mental health will HAVE to be covered as per the bill) but for most it will not be good. They say it will be good for the poorest people, but bad for average people.

    You don't know why medical expenses are going up or not. You have no clue what you are talking about, you never do. You are just an ignorant clap trap who wants to sound like you know what you are talking about. You are the fucking idiot who tried to say that Leon Trotsky was not a socialist. You are just blowing smoke out of your ignorant ass as usual. You have no fucking clue what you are talking about. I swear to god, sometimes I think you just start typing and see how it ends up.

    #21     Sep 30, 2010
  2. Just in: Obama admin calling people liars.

    Health secretary says McDonald's not dropping health plans

    A Wall Street Journal report alleging McDonald's might stop covering 30,000 workers because of the health reform law is "flat out wrong," Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said Thursday.


    White house has McDonald's scared to admit what they are thinking..

    "Media reports stating that we plan to drop health care coverage for our employees are completely false,” Steve Russell, senior vice president and chief people officer for McDonald’s USA, said in a statement today. “These reports are purely speculative and misleading.

    Russell acknowledged that McDonald’s has spoken with regulators “to better understand the implications of the law and to share our point of view. Moving forward, we will continue to have an open dialogue with legislators as well as regulators.”

    hahaha, these guys are afraid to state the obvious. This Bill SUCKS!
    #22     Sep 30, 2010
  3. Nah, that's not true, at least not for the Human Development Index measure of standard of living. That sounds like a Wikipedia quote.

    Than other Latin American countries? There isn't, actually. Cuba does pretty well against the other, more lassaiz faire countries in Latin America -- it's one of the better ones to live in.

    Lassaiz faire is a great idea until it meets reality, then a mixed system works best.
    #23     Sep 30, 2010
  4. Simmer down there little tea kettle. It's not necessary to insult someone in polite conversation when you feel logically trapped and don't have a pithy retort. Grow and learn grasshoppa.

    BTW: could you kindly show me the post where I said that Trotsky wasn't a socialist? You seem to be obsessed with that myth.

    I do remember me asking you if you knew what he stood for at which point you called me a fucking idiot or something (as per your style). I also remember acknowledging that as a headstrong idealistic young man he was a socialist but after he was purged he became disillusioned and wrote about his doubt of socialism. Remember that?

    #24     Sep 30, 2010
  5. No, you are uninformed as usual. The HDI doesn't take taxation into account. They just measure pre tax GDP per capita. They also don't measure that pre tax GDP vs local prices. You have no idea what you are talking about. My cousin works for the world bank where the UN people go for the HDI stats. I'm flattered that you think my writing reads like a wiki quote, but it wasn't. The following IS a wiki quote as to how HDI is calculated:

    Life expectancy at birth, as an index of population health and longevity
    Knowledge and education, as measured by the adult literacy rate (with two-thirds weighting) and the combined primary, secondary, and tertiary gross enrollment ratio (with one-third weighting).
    Standard of living, as indicated by the natural logarithm of gross domestic product per capita at purchasing power parity.

    Actually Cuba is a dump and ppl live like animals... If you'd traveled much in latin america you'd know that. You probably haven't, so you don't. It's one of the cheapest places to go on vacation... The highest standards of living in latin america are, of course, the ones which are known for their laissez faire policies- chile, argentina, uraguay, etc. Same story in asia. Cuba's stats for the HDI are given by the communist Cuban government...

    Statistical surveys by biased government agencies based on information obtained from biased government agencies are a great until they meet reality....

    #25     Sep 30, 2010
  6. Sorry you are embarrassed... I guess if I were you, I would be too...

    Yes, here's where you said that Trotsky was only a socialist in his "early years" until he "matured"... ROFLMAO!!!


    Sorry your memory is so poor that you can't remember what your own beliefs are. This reinforces my theory that you just start typing and see what comes out, and that you have no actual coherent thoughts... But I guess some more delusional clap trap is easier for you than actually responding to my points...

    #26     Sep 30, 2010
  7. The "Wall Street Journal is flat out wrong."

    The 'Christian Science Monitor is right.

    Stay tuned.............
    #27     Sep 30, 2010
  8. This quote alone proves what a dumb fuck you truly are.
    #28     Sep 30, 2010
  9. I was in Cuba last year, in fact, and have traveled in Panama, Costa Rica, Mexico (of course), and elsewhere.

    No, Cubans do not "live like animals" -- but it does have many problems. Having said that, however, it compares favorably with other Latin American countries which are not under embargo. The roads are better, health is better than most areas of latin America, and so on.

    And the HDI measures illustrate that these are not just my perceptions. It's not the best country to live in, but it comes in fourth in Latin America for HDI. Yes, I realize this is not addressing other issues such as their lack of freedom and their economic problems in general.

    You are incorrect about the HDI being supplied by the Cuban state. You are misunderstanding what GDP is if you think it's somehow taxable or has tax rates factored into it.

    And you're also incorrect in that the countries you listed -- Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay, all have national health care schemes and Uruguay is described as "Latin America's first welfare state."

    They have mixed economies but lassez-faire they are not.
    #29     Sep 30, 2010
  10. Spoken like someone who knows zero about Cuba, has never been there, and knows nothing except what he's told on Fox News.
    #30     Sep 30, 2010