Oops! Sorry little guy, Obama screws you again.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ChkitOut, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. I didn't think you would understand right away littledaviedumbass.

    When the president accepts input and acts on it (by producing a budget for example), he owns it. Perhaps you've been confused by Obama incessantly blaming everyone else for his failures.

    On the projection out to 2020... again, Obama owns it because it's in his budget. Why don't you contact him and voice your concern?
    #151     Oct 6, 2010
  2. So that I can reference it, on which page of the budget is this graph?
    #152     Oct 6, 2010
  3. The closest thing to what I suggested which has been done in recent history was done by regan in the 80s. Bush tax cuts were too small and meaningless to have much impact. And besides, that's just income tax. We also need to cut corporate tax (ours is by far the highest in the developed world), and cap gains tax(which most developed nations don't even have). So no, what I said hasn't been done.

    Well, that isn't entirely true. It has been, and is being done, by switzerland and hong kong, and it's working well for them. We should try it too. America doesn't have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem.

    #153     Oct 6, 2010
  4. I'm concerned about your ignorance and would like to help you improve your ability to research. Along those lines, it would be best for you to first try on your own to find it. If/when you fail, I'll be happy to be more specific but at least make an effort. Hint: go here to find the budget http://www.google.com/ then search for "debt."

    P.S. I didn't say the graph was in the budget, I said the numbers in the graph were taken from it.
    #154     Oct 6, 2010
  5. No, the US does not have the highest actual tax rates in the developed world. That's the kind of boogeyman that Republicans use to scare their children before they go to bed.

    And if it WAS true (which it isn't) then it would give a lie to the "Socialist countries have high taxes" mantra, so it's not even internally consistent to the philosophy.

    Here's an article about it:


    How about Swaziland or Lichtenstein? :) In both cases they are tax havens and unless you can induce Canadians and Mexicans to dump money into the new US tax haven you simply will have massively inflated deficits and massively inflated debt (see 2000-2006).
    #155     Oct 6, 2010
  6. :) Yeah, I didn't think you could find it because it's not there.

    I downloaded the entire budget as a pdf and did a search for "projections" and the White House budget projection is significantly better (unsurprisingly) than the out-of-date and incorrect CBO projection that you posted.

    Having said that, I don't put any stock in the White House's projection, either. But I know that you blasting away as part of a noise machine isn't helping.
    #156     Oct 6, 2010
  7. Bullshit. It's there. You're just too stupid to find it.

    I told you to search for "debt" littledaviedumbass, not "projections." Can't you get anything right? If you didn't get $16.68 trillion for the national debt in 2020 (which is WORSE than on the graph) you're wrong.

    Try again.
    #157     Oct 6, 2010
  8. I didn't say it has the highest "actual tax" in the developed world you stupid bitch. I said corporate tax. Did your wife crack you upside the head for being a fucking idiot again or can you just not read? Biggaydave= King of the strawman

    #158     Oct 6, 2010
  9. I don't call him littledaviedumbass for nothing :p
    #159     Oct 6, 2010
  10. Why didn't you read the article which specifically addresses corporate taxation?
    #160     Oct 6, 2010