OOPS!!! .....Biden slips bigtime and tells the real truth!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AMT4SWA, Oct 20, 2008.

  1. WRONG....do some simple research here at ET first! I am a known Ron Paul supporter and I will be writing him in for my vote!

    The globalist puppets two party LEFT/RIGHT paradigm blood will be on your hands AGAIN.....for continuing to vote for the trash they present over and over again!
    #11     Oct 20, 2008
  2. [​IMG]

    I trust McCain leadership in case of a crisis, he helped a lot with the bailout plan
    #12     Oct 20, 2008
  3. dsq


    Hello?This is a FAUX NEWS interpretation report....its unbeleivable that anybody takes them for anything more than entertainement.They are the WWF of news.People should be concerned with current affairs not clairvoyancy.
    #13     Oct 20, 2008
  4. No.....I watched Biden say this in a video report.....FOX news link is the only one I could find at the moment to show what he said.

    BTW, you are totally missing the point of how our world really operates. The puppets are even to the point now of coming out in campaigns, telling people they "gaurantee" there will be some international crisis (GENERATED)......this is just too perfect to present my whole point about the globalist lead actions we are currently living through.
    #14     Oct 20, 2008
  5. #16     Oct 20, 2008
  6. Doesnt matter ........... Bidens slip ups are alreading built in .... just like the mkts! :cool:
    #17     Oct 20, 2008
  7. achilles28


    And the Federal Reserve is really Federal.

    Bush's Granddaddy was not a Nazi Banker.

    Standard Oil and General Motors never supplied the Nazi WarMachine during WW2.

    US General Smedly Butler was never recruited to install a Fascist Dictatorship after WW2.

    JFK didn't uncover a secret plot to commandeer the US Government.

    Oswald acted alone.

    The "Magic Bullet" theory is indisputable (turn left 90 degrees, go 5 ft then right 50 degrees, then stop, turn left 180 degrees - IN MID AIR etc).

    The Gulf of Tonkin wasn't staged.

    The Israelis had no idea the USS Liberty was an American ship - while they strafed it for 3 HOURS.

    The US never overthrew the democratically elected Mossadegh.

    We never gave Bio and Chemical Weapons to Iraq.

    Saddam really did throw babies out of incubators.

    2 larger bombs were never found INSIDE the Murrah Building.

    The FBI handler (who oversaw the original WTC attackers) never said use live bombs.

    Bush never signed launch orders to invade Afghanistan on Sept 10th.

    Sept 11th Flew under the radar.

    Iraq really had Weapons of Mass Destruction.

    There is no Pentagon plan for 10+ permanent military bases in Iraq.

    The Pentagon never "lost" 2.3 TRILLION Dollars.

    Cheney never floated the idea to paint American boats as Iranian patrols to fire on US ships.

    The Military Industrial Complex doesn't exist.

    The CIA never ran cocaine into Mena Arkansas (under Bill Clinton and GW Senior).

    The Put Options on American Airlines never led back to the US Government.

    20,000 Pastors have not been recruited to quell "Civil Disobedience" in the event of Martial Law.

    Global Warming isn't left-wing Fear Mongering.

    Barack Obama never called for a Million Man Stazi Force.


    #18     Oct 20, 2008
  8. This thread belongs in the politics along with the rest of the bullshit.
    #19     Oct 20, 2008
  9. Cutten


    Well, it's not like he can do any worse than Bush.
    #20     Oct 20, 2008