Only the little people pay taxes

Discussion in 'Economics' started by misterno, Feb 24, 2011.

  1. don't mind paying taxes that much really although I understand people strugling might think otherwise.

    I'm far from struggling and I can't stand paying taxes. AMT tax, Tax on Sales, Tax Property, Tax on eating out, Tax on this, tax on that.

    FUCK THAT. I'm for a Flat Tax @ 15% for FED. I am ok with Property Tax if it can be locked in.

    I'm not the only "Non Struggling" person who is not happy with the Layer Cake of Taxes in this Country.

    And I don't like the TAX OF INFLATION either.

    Taxes were meant to Pay for the "DEFENSE" of this country and a few smaller items.

    TAXES were not meant for scum sucking leaches that the DemoRats/Progressives love to keep on the "Voting" block.

    Taxes were not meant to pay for UNIONS of Public workers!

    Taxes were not meant to pay a fucking school teacher 100k retirement for the rest of their lives.


    and I agree wih MISTERNO: The day of reck'n for this country is happening now. Wisc., NJ, INDIANA, and coming to a state near you.
    #11     Feb 25, 2011
  2. ashatet


    They raised taxes in IL from 3 to 5% and nothing happened. I am so tired of paying taxes and getting nothing much in return.

    Let us see where our money goes. Joe 6 pack makes 100K
    Joe puts aside 15K in 401K.
    Of the 85K, he pays 4K in state tax and say 16K in federal tax.
    That leaves him with 65K.
    If he owns a 250K house, he pays 7K in real estate tax and 5K in interest on mortgage. That leaves him with 53K. He pays 3K in vehicle registration, toll, sales, entertainment, gas taxes. He is down to 50K.

    There you go, he is down to 50K from his 100K. This is just 4K in net income of which he needs to pay for food, transportation, utilities, clothing, entertainment, home maintenance, vacation, medical expenses, principal on the house payment (I already counted the interest above), eating out etc. Can Joe 6 pack save anything at all, heck, no, even with an income of 100K. That is because I just showed that a big chunk of that money he made went to taxes.

    The irony of all of this is that even after paying all these taxes, governments are heavily in debt and Joe must pay even more tax to bring down the debt load.

    Do I need to even emphasize that making 100K is no joke. It takes a lot of skills to make 100K.

    #12     Feb 26, 2011
  3. Not in NY
    #13     Feb 26, 2011
  4. 1. Minimize income tax.
    2. Maximize wealth tax.

    Problem solved.
    #14     Feb 26, 2011
  5. Eight


    Why do people think that we have been saying for more than a century that socialism destroys the middle class? You can't tax the wealthy [they own politicians], you can't tax the poor [they don't have much] so you can only go after the paychecks of the middle class.. in the US it's turned into an ugly tug of war between ghetto class welfare bums and middle class stressed out defeated paycheck earners..
    #15     Feb 26, 2011
  6. So True.

    Socialists always have the fantasy that we can just fix things by taxing the rich more, but it never works out that way in reality. At most, they end up heavily taxing the small to medium sized business and property owners, thus preventing most of them from getting big enough to compete with the really big money that owns politicians and sets policy. In the end, the tax-the-rich policies just help the ultra-rich keep down the competition.
    #16     Feb 26, 2011