Only in California

Discussion in 'Economics' started by samui, Jul 20, 2010.

  1. MattF


    Well, when the state goes broke officially and freezes its pension plans...
    #21     Jul 23, 2010
  2. Bingo. What is true for California is also true for the US. Anyone who believes that this is just another recession and that California and the US will pull out of it over time is insane. In the future, people will look back and wonder how we ever thought that California or even the US could recover from such an unpayable debt burden.

    Get out of debt and become more self-sufficient. Those with some liquid assets will be able to profit handsomely as the economy deteriorates and the firesale begins.
    #22     Jul 23, 2010

  3. All of this largely due to voter apathy. Politics is dull-boring. To many other distractions to occupy our minds. I do wonder how far
    over the edge the state will plummit before the voters wake up.
    #23     Jul 23, 2010