One Post Wonders.

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by justrading, Oct 16, 2016.

  1. Seriously, does anyone give a flying fuck what this piece of shit thinks?

    I am all for free speech, but this offends intelligence. A one post wonder preaching. Jeez.
  2. Why does that post upset you so much?
    thaitye and lawrence-lugar like this.
  3. Gee, I don't know, good question. I normally just delete the email alert for the forum I subscribe to.

    The presumption of stupidity in the general populace?
  4. Handle123


    Unless someone writes 20 plus different posts, I think they are a vendor. After awhile how they write, you can guess what they motives are.
  5. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    Sometimes people submit a short BS post on their first post just to see if the system is working as they expect it to. However, I did post a reply in the thread requesting more info from this point forward just so he knows that he will need to step it up bigtime.
  6. Thank you Baron. I suppose it rubbed me the wrong way, from the get go.
  7. thaitye


    Seriously, does anyone give a flying fuck what this piece of shit thinks?

    I am all for free speech, but this offends intelligence. Post count means absolutely nothing. Jeez.
  8. You could do humanity a service and go fuck yourself.

    There you go sunshine, I've added to my post count.

    I try to be nice, generally, but cunts like you don't come into the realm.
  9. NoBias


    One post wonders are annoying, perhaps an x-amount of replies should be required prior to ability to generate a new thread...

    Viewing a members past history gives insight... see a lot of troll posts, no need to respond, see intelligent remarks, interact with...

    It would motivate serious individuals to respond to people who demonstrated the effort to help themselves and locate the information they seek in existing threads, rather than just posting a lazy "feed me/give me question".

    It gets tiring providing clear concise replies to individuals who demonstrate their inability to help themselves. Not to mention responding to people and never to hear from them again, hence many of us stopped replying to the one post wonders...

    One post wonders are equally annoying as the verbose Trolls which haunt this forum...
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2016
    Handle123 likes this.
  10. thaitye


    You got issues.
    #10     Oct 17, 2016