On a scale of 1-10 how bad is our current situation?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by MrDODGE, Feb 28, 2008.

  1. Being old enough to remember, college kids being gunned down for protesting, cities burning during the "68" riots, gas lines around the block, double digit interest rates...I'd say we're about a 2. Get a grip!
    #61     Mar 2, 2008

  2. " you know it's likely there is no escape" That sentence is dead giveaway what you tried to hide and cloaks behind that post.
    What do you think the worst will happen?

    Your government has done everything it possibly can, but a clinically depressed and hopeless person can never be feeling secure within.

    I see utter pessimism /doom and gloom.

    The Feds will be cutting rates and using other tools till the economy starts bubbling again and than they will raise rates. There won't be a recession this year, no matter how negative you can get.
    #62     Mar 2, 2008
  3. Stagflation alert in effect 6.

    Fed moving into liquidity trap >7.

    Basically a repeat of the stagflation of 80's if everything goes ok.
    #63     Mar 2, 2008
  4. sdurrani


    :) Still in a very good shape 7
    #64     Mar 2, 2008
  5. Our true current situation = 8.
    But society & Wall ST wants us to believe we are at 6 so they can bail out before letting it fall to the ground. (Remember the bubble bust?).
    The financial is in serious trouble = we are in serious trouble. No economy can prosper with the financials falling like a rock. We are at 8, folks. Don't believe Wall St hype to dump. Learn the lesson from the Bubble bust, you'll know: now the big boys are dumping left & right. After they finish dumping, look out below!!!!

    #65     Mar 2, 2008
  6. Retired


    1 if you are long GLD and USO.

    10 if you are not. :D
    #66     Mar 2, 2008