
Discussion in 'Politics' started by thesharpone, Jan 8, 2008.

  1. ur right, turn gravity on turn gravity off lol what would happen to a planet if gravity was turned off, would ur head explode or simply drift apart.

    Yes omnipotence is a possibility possible to imagine. A superior being is not even needed, its all about what a person is allowed to see compared to another person from the very beginning.

    If ur born in reality like virtual reality or put in there right after its not possible to know u are born or live in such a reality.

    Some might say reality like virtual reality does not exist, humans are not smart enough to create such a thing. But think about this, if we cant now, we can in the future right. Progress in different fields is being done all the time. Its just a matter of time.

    What is most likely. The world is 6000 years, the world is the number of years scientists measure it to be.

    The number of years from the beginning of time up until now is a fixed number. The number of years after reality like virtual reality was invented is infinity.

    It makes no sense to believe the world is the number of years scientists measure the world to be. Odds are its a lot older. Infinity divided on a fixed number equals infinity. So basically there is a zero % chance wer living in 2008. Its not like reality like VR would not be used after it was invented.

    What feels like good or bad fortune, god or conspiracy is simply the manipulator or the system designer or the owner of a person locked in virtual reality making mistakes. These mistakes are stupid mistakes to do, a person can be abused more when randomness is not doubted.

    The population locked in VR can be bought and sold pretty much like stocks. They can work and create stuff that has value in the real world, ideas can easily be transferred, even though a person in VR can’t do real work in the real world his thoughts can operate robots doing the work he thinks hes doing in VR.

    What an owner of a person in VR wants is to make as much profit as possible, this is where omnipotence comes in handy. With complete control over the world that can be seen its easy to change whatever that needs to be changed in order to get the person locked in VR to believe hes choosing to do what he definitely would never do if he saw the real world.
    #31     Jan 11, 2008
  2. only thing you can be CERTAIN of is you are here NOW. you want to place your bet that your decaying flesh in a pine box is so much better off..

    i got one thaing to say to you..


    all you have is what you see right now, better HOLD ON TIGHTLY

    if there is an afterlife, whaterever it may or not be, that's gravy but the main course is right NOW EAT HEARTY
    #32     Jan 11, 2008

  3. Ah, 'be here now'. A favorite among the new age crowd.
    The only thing 'be here now' will get you is here.
    Here is really not where you want to be.
    And death is not gravy.
    Death is more of the same.
    Round and round.
    Certain you are here, uncertain where you are.
    Nothing happens after death but more of the same.
    Same dream, same TV, different channel.
    Certain? Certainly guessing, yes.
    Nothing in this world is for certain,
    except that nothing in this world is true.

    #33     Jan 11, 2008
  4. oh for God's sake..

    #34     Jan 11, 2008
  5. Seriously, mantras build and maintain this world.
    Mantras and memes.
    Repetition gives them the only validity they will ever have.
    They'll often begin with...
    "The only sure things in life are _______ and _____". (fill in the blanks).
    But a blank is all it is, all it willl ever be.
    The world is a blank page upon which you write your own meaning, your own definitions.
    To escape, erase the pages, and write something new, something valid, something meaningful, something real.

    #35     Jan 11, 2008
  6. you must bejesus cause you talk nonsense :D

    get me laid, fed or rich, otherwise, i'm loosing interest :p

    i'll worry about the hereafter, hereafter (if there's any worry to be had)
    #36     Jan 11, 2008
  7. "Rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints."

    B. Joel
    #37     Jan 11, 2008
  8. YES

    "rather RULE in hell than serve in heaven"


    what i mean to say is, if you got a management position in hell how bad can it be?
    #38     Jan 11, 2008
  9. The thing is, hell is a series of incarnations - perhaps thousands - dating back to the beginning of time representing a pre-time/space decision-tree based on a thought system that is a 180% reversal of the thought system of heaven. You may rule in one incarnation, and fail miserably in another. It's all pre-scripted. Everyone gets their 15 minutes of fame, everyone experiences the same ups and downs, same bumps and bruises, same mumps same nooses.

    I offer a thought system reversing the Great Reversal, which gradually restores to you all power in heaven and earth in a relatively short period of time. Not that you ever lost omnipotence, but that your use of omnipotence has hidden it from your awareness. Even with a good Teacher, it might take you 40 years of psychological practice to reach the "promised land". It might take you 1.5 incarnations from the time you put the brakes on, reverse, and make it back home. It's a long-term investment exchanging the changeable for the eternal. It may take a while, but it's a hell of a lot easier than the thousands more incarnations you may face if you go to the school of hard knocks. It is already pre-scripted how you will respond, how much more time you take. No worries. Nothings ever forced. The time you take represents your own wishes. It's already pre-scripted because your salvation was already accomplished before time and space. You walk a path that has already been taken.

    In the meantime, no one stops you from getting laid, eating rich food, ruling a small kingdom...and dying. These are things you are going to do anyway. It's what the world is about. That's what you came to experience. This is overlaid with a thought system that gradually replaces the one you had before until it dawns on you that you do not need to chase skirts, chase food, or chase dollars. You'll realize you have something much better than any of that. When you realize you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain, your journey will be finished. All of the needs bring pain. When you have everything, you have no needs, and this restores joy and freedom. You are worthy of everything, and heaven knows you will not be satisfied with less than everything. The thought reversal will allow you to see for yourself that the world is really nothing made into something not anything which does not add to the everything you gave up to get it.

    #39     Jan 12, 2008
  10. That's some deep voodoo. Sadly, that's a close parable. The human robot, locked in a virtual reality. The collective mind pulling the strings. Sad.

    #40     Jan 13, 2008