Olive Garden pulls Letterman ads

Discussion in 'Politics' started by drjekyllus, Jun 18, 2009.

  1. denied by olive garden
    #31     Jun 19, 2009
  2. Actually my point was that "true" conservatism died when the Republican Party targeted southern christians that were against LBJ's social policies. That's when "Conservative" became more religious in tone, and less about fiscal issues/government size.

    All Repub presidents since Nixon have GROWN the Federal gov't and have increased spending. Not really "conservative" unless all that matters to one is having a president talk about god all the time.

    The republicans need to focus less on social causes like that Schiavo fiasco embarassment and more on traditional Goldwater ideologies. Ron Paul is probably more of that philosophy.

    Don't mean to hijack the thread - I don't believe children of celebrities/politicos, etc... should ever be picked on. Unless of course they use the public limelight to their benefit.

    I saw interviews of those demonstrating against Letterman - to me they were the religious crackpots that infiltrated the Republican party. That's the cause of my rant.
    #32     Jun 19, 2009