Oldest Swiss Bank Tells Clients to Sell U.S. Assets or Leave

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by ASusilovic, Sep 2, 2009.

  1. Wegelin & Co.

    Private Bankers since 1741

    Farewell America

    1. A moral issue?
    The agreement between the USA and Switzerland
    under which Switzerland is to provide administrative
    assistance with regard to 4,450 UBS
    clients suspected of tax fraud is, in our view, remarkable
    in three ways. Firstly, we note the way
    both parties are dressing it up in the aftermath of
    the battle. Everyone is talking of a “success”. The
    IRS, the American tax authority, surely rightly,
    for it has got what it wanted, namely access to a
    large number of specific client names, combined
    with persisting uncertainty on the part of all the
    others as to whether they are among those names.
    The UBS is happy not to have to pay another
    fine, and to be rid of the heavy burden of legal
    proceedings. And the Swiss government regards it
    as a success inasmuch as from their perspective
    the agreement preserves the rule of law and offers
    the clients affected the possibility of legal recourse
    to the federal administrative court.
    But there are also losers, of course. These are the
    people affected, who must now expect legal proceedings
    against them as suspected tax cheats,
    and who had, until relatively recently, been promised
    that precisely this would not happen. Promised
    by whom? By the bank concerned (among
    others), which had generously interpreted and
    intensively exploited an explicit gap in the 2001
    “Qualified Intermediary” (QI) agreement; by the
    supervisory authorities, which were fully cognizant
    of all this activity, but never questioned it; by
    the Swiss government, which only a few months
    ago had spoken of the “brick wall” that foreign
    authorities would encounter, were they to attack
    Swiss banking secrecy – for example through
    fishing expeditions, such as an application for
    administrative assistance against several thousand
    clients. Promises, connivance, a pretence of resolute
    behaviour – and now collapse. The appearance
    of success conceals the reality of a breach of
    Trust: is this the right word at all for something so
    disgraceful as tax evasion, or even tax fraud?
    Serves them right, these bloated capitalists, if they
    land in the dock! This is the position of themoralizers,
    as frequently stated in the Swiss media,
    among others. It is astounding, and this is the
    second interesting observation, how completely
    naturally those who claim the moral high-ground
    rush to join forces with the authorities and their
    financial requirements. At the risk of once again
    winding up certain specialists in business ethics,
    let us briefly recall the sort of tax authorities we
    are dealing with, and the sort of state they serve: a
    country that, over the last 60 years, has unquestionably
    been one of the most aggressive nations
    in the world. The USA has fought by far the largest
    number of wars, sometimes with, but mostly
    without a UN mandate. It has broken the international
    laws of war, maintained secret prisons, and
    fought an absurd war against drugs, with serious
    consequences both abroad (Columbia, Afghanistan)
    and at home (according to reliable sources,
    the tentacles of the narcotics mafia now reach
    well into political circles). With breathtaking
    moral duplicity, the USA maintains enormous
    offshore havens in Florida, Delaware and others
    of its states. The moralizers have joined sides with
    a nation that still makes extensive use of the
    death penalty, and that has a legal system under
    which lawyers can get rich on the misfortunes of
    their clients. Liability cases often end in verdicts
    with exorbitant damages, which makes business
    activity extremely risky, for medium-sized enterprises
    in particular. The moralizers provide intellectual
    support for a country that allows its infrastructure
    to collapse, and then stuffs convicts into
    hopelessly overfilled jails, after what are not infrequently
    dubious proceedings. They fund a
    nation that tolerates – or rather, causes – regular
    crises in the global financial system that it manages.
    A country whose underclass enjoys neither
    the benefits of an adequate education, nor a halfway
    functional healthcare system; a country
    whose economic system is increasingly inclined to
    overconsumption, and in which saving and investing
    have increasingly become alien concepts, a
    situation that has undoubtedly been one of the
    driving forces behind the current recession, with
    all its catastrophic consequences for the whole

    http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/Wegelin Document on American Taxes and Assets.pdf
    #21     Sep 2, 2009
  2. It sure does it if helps people with tax obligations in the US evade those obligations.
    #22     Sep 2, 2009
  3. This is the best post in this thread so far!.. You are right on! Not Only the US broke the swiss laws, But this kind of crap endangers our liberty and costs us money here in the US.

    "new rules may mean that people who spend limited periods of time in the U.S. acquire tax obligations."


    #23     Sep 3, 2009
  4. Highterm


    It seems you are right. I also found this link-

    So, why do foreigners invest so much in the US markets with that danger in the background?
    #24     Sep 3, 2009
  5. This can't possibly be ! Imagine the consequences, no foreigner would want to hold US assets, such a law would not make sense anyway, besides my guess is it would be very difficult to implement.
    The original link talks about "non resident alien" I believe this describes foreigners spending time in the US as a non-resident, thus this law may not apply to people living abroad , not setting foot on US soil for other reasons than for ex. vacations.
    #25     Sep 3, 2009
  6. #26     Sep 3, 2009
  7. I think it's as I said "non resident alien" is a person spending time in the US as a non resident , obviously such person must pay taxes for their US based income and that extends to the stock of company they may own. But that does not apply to everyone living outside the US.

    EDIT : I found more here on the definition of NRA, after all it looks I am wrong , everyone outside the US is a non resident alien http://investopedia.com/terms/n/nonresidentalien.asp
    #27     Sep 3, 2009
  8. Highterm


    A little light reading.....


    I didn't know that the US charged an 'expatriate tax' on citizens and long term residents that want to leave the US permenantly.

    I like how they refer to foreigners as 'Aliens'...real freindly!
    #28     Sep 3, 2009
  9. jjj1000


    Wrong, it certainly applies to people who don't live and/or who never set foot in the USA, but who had assets at the time of death that were considered to have "US situs" (like US stocks, bonds, brokerage accounts, treasuries, real estate, etc) . I know it is hard to believe.

    More: If you live abroad (foreigner, non citizen or green card holder) and have a, say, vacation home in the USA and you die, that house certainly will be taxed with a huge estate tax bill.

    Even worse, non-resident aliens (who are non citizens, non green card holders who do not meet the minimum staying in the USA to pay taxes here) have only a $60 k credit towards any assets that they have here (the rest is taxed with the huge Estate taxes rates, up to 45%). citizens and green card holders have a 2 million or so credit (in 2008), only what passes this amount is taxed. The only exception is when the USA has some treaty with your foreign country.
    #29     Sep 3, 2009
  10. OK , but is this new ? Is that part of the agreement on qualified intermediaries ? How come I never heard of this ?

    I still think it's very difficult to implement and as a trader, itshould not affect you, you trade futures, only margin would be subject to the tax and even with other instruments you can make arrangements for the positions to be liquidated if you die, before you die.
    #30     Sep 3, 2009