Ok, time to bash the crap out of religion once again :)

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by LongShot, May 26, 2003.

  1. Which bible are you all quoting from by the way?

    There's literally hundreds of versions and as we all know, much of it is skewed towards that particular authors point of view.....

    let's use common sense in evaluating the bible.....Adam and Eve? Creation of the universe? Who was there to hear and see this? 90 % of the stories are parables......and also man's way of explaining things like: How the hell did we get here? Why does a woman get a period each month?( that;s why they claim it was God's punishment to Eve for Sex, yet we all know a woman's period is God's punishment to men :D )

    The killing and wars ect...are written as such so the author can say " it wasn't us who sacked the city...it was god"

    The bible is not a religion....It is a source of history...in fact, it;s man's best known source of history...and many religions follow at least some version of it.......what would you all consider religious BTW??? Praying everyday? going to church once a week? If so im religious....I have seen the light and i have seen the face of the lord...and if I can ever stop wishing death on people, watching porn and drinking heavily, im hopeful for everlasting salvation.
    #41     May 27, 2003

  2. my God is Jack Daniels (and he says bottoms up!) :-/
    #42     May 27, 2003
  3. #43     May 27, 2003
  4. splphil


    Actually, Judaism is TOTALLY different. Christianity might be partially based on the same Book, but a. the Christian translations change a LOT and b. The basic understanding of almost every verse in the Old Testament is extremely different...Authentic Judaism has a much deeper understanding of everything that's written in the Bible. Oh yes, and proof of G-D's existence as well... :)

    #44     May 27, 2003

  5. Er, basically, no.
    #45     May 27, 2003
  6. Give me another book that chronicles the begining of time??
    Give me another source besides cave writings that starts at man and woman and moves forward form there?

    It's statements like these Alf that make it so hard for me to receive salvation because truthfully, I am hoping you get in a car crash tonight.....guess I better go to confession again:D
    #46     May 28, 2003
  7. TM, I don't have to give you another book to refute that the Bible is "man's best known source of history".

    Really, I think it is self-evident that the Bible is FAR from man's BEST source of history, or come to think of it, even a very good source of history.

    What do you think historians do when trying to determine what happened in the past, reach for the Bible and say, "hmm, let's see what the Bible had to say about this.."?
    #47     May 28, 2003

  8. please elaborate.


    #48     May 28, 2003

  9. Yes they do.....Are you that naive???? name me another historical reference???? .....as far as it being the BEST source , i never said it was 100% accurate or true.....but in terms of comprehensive writing from the beginning of time, it is the most complete....and again....there are many different versions of the bible....but could you name any other source??
    #49     May 28, 2003

  10. TM, studying history consists of a LOT more than just memorizing a bunch of factoids like the date that a certain king died, or what color his palace door was. Constructing an understanding of what occurred in our past involves archaeologists, anthropologists, sociologists, historians working together to piece together the clues. As such, what the Bible offers in this respect is really quite limited.

    So what if the Bible claims to go back to the very beginning. Unless one has religious reasons for doing so, historians don't take the Bible's creation story, or Adam & Eve, or Noah's flood etc as factual accounts of what actually happened; most generally regard them as myths.
    #50     May 28, 2003