Ok, time to bash the crap out of religion once again :)

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by LongShot, May 26, 2003.

  1. "Jesus' last words on the cross, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" hardly seem like the words of a man who planned it that way. It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure there is something wrong here."


    #11     May 26, 2003
  2. LongShot, answer this question.

    F. P.
    #12     May 26, 2003
  3. balda


    I am an atheist, but what is an INFIDEL?
    just curious:D
    #13     May 26, 2003
  4. in·fi·del [ ínfid’l, ínfi dèl ] (plural in·fi·dels)

    1. heathen: somebody who has no belief in the bogus religion of the speaker or writer, especially Christianity or Islam

    2. nonbeliever: somebody who has no religious beliefs
    #14     May 26, 2003
  5. #16     May 26, 2003
  6. Ok, I'll step in here to take the side of the faithful holy mystics....NOT! Bwahahaha!

    Anybody who bases their entire life's direction on some ancient fictional fairy tales, has some serious problems.
    #17     May 26, 2003
  7. right on.. join our team.
    #18     May 26, 2003
  8. "And on the first day God created..." Man, in his desperate search for answers,attempted to find an explanation to how he and his world came to exist. This was the motivation behind the many myths of creation that prevailed in human religions and cultures, of which the most remarkable and famous is the Biblical account ; which is simply that, a majestic and enlightening explanation that uses a creator’s power as a backdrop and is not supported by any reasonable evidence. Many religious believers firmly reject the evolutionary theory because of the faith they have in a belief that has been the foundation behind their perspective of life, but it is simply a tale created by a human group that tried to satisfy it’s search for answers and came to the point were they had to make them up.

    Science, in contrast, is in search of the ultimate and most reasonable explanation supported by the evidence, where beliefs are not an influence in the search for answers. This is the only way to obtain an objective explanation that is adept to reality.

    #20     May 26, 2003