Ok, now they've gone too far. Act of war?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ChkitOut, Sep 14, 2012.

  1. Once muslim extremeists take down KFC, this is a direct attack on America and all she stands for.


    Long live fried chicken. :cool:
  2. JamesL


    Send in the fat, obese, artery-clogged soldiers?
  3. Let the birds fly.
  4. I sure am glad is-lame is the religion of peace.
  5. why only a 2 star rating? i thought this was funny. :confused: :D


    hungry yet?
  6. You mean PETA or NOW?
  7. pspr


    I'm going to pick up Chick-fil-a for lunch. The Muslims burned down their only chicken joint so no chicken for them. Stupid asses.
  8. don't forget hardees too
  9. JamesL


    No, the fatties, not the hirsute and unshaven.