Oil, Cash, And Corruption

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by libertad, Nov 6, 2006.

  1. What is very telling about this Sundays New York Times article....is the detail that has been gathered about this specific case...


    What should be noted is that oil, politics, Bush, Cheney, Rice, etc...are one of the same....

    Needless to say...the Americans have been played out big time by the Bush Oil Administration...

    The real question here is that an enterprise approach to oil would have been a lot calmer than a war approach to oil...oil would be around $40 today without Bush policies had enterprise been the focus...The Bush policy approach to oil has meant an average increase of over $100 billion per month to the world....and has provided financial windfalls to the oil welfare states which finance terrorism...

    A war approach to oil...associates with it a far more expensive price for oil...A calm process such as enterprise is a lower price association to oil...

    Thus the enterprise approach such as the Chinese are using, has a much lower price impact on oil...but yet the Chinese are very effective in securing supplies...

    One might just wonder why enterprise was not used in the case of Iraq....

    Seems to be that the case is growing that justice is still missing in Washington with regards to the supposed leadership that controls the US government....