Oil and Gold ETF"s ???

Discussion in 'ETFs' started by ssptrading, Mar 3, 2006.

  1. Aaron


    QM underlying is 500 barrels of oil. At $70.025 per barrel, these 500 barrels have a value of $35,012.50.

    For various reasons USO can't and doesn't represent any specific amount of oil. It is constructed so that the _percentage change_ in the price of USO will track that of crude futures. The actual price of USO will eventually drift further and further from the price of crude as the front month futures contract price jumps at rollover but USO does not.

    The equivalent position to a QM contract is $35,012.50 in USO shares. At a price of $66.74 this amounts to 525 shares.

    This is surprisingly close to the 528 you calculated by a very different route, SethArb. I guess we confirmed that the managers of USO have the correct number of futures contracts! :)

    But for future reference, to quickly find the equivalent position:

    shares of USO equiv to 1 QM = P x 500 / USO

    where P is the front month crude price and USO is the USO share price.

    Aaron Schindler
    Schindler Trading
    #12     Jun 12, 2006
  2. Would someone like to tackle the SLV fair value calculation?

    I've been watching it vs the near month futures but the differential is not stable, leading me to believe the relationship is a bit more complex than 10 ounces +/- some amount.

    Does it track futures, spot, or what?
    #13     Jun 13, 2006
  3. MTE


    SLV tracks spot minus management fees. Obviously it won't track perfectly every second. Just like SPY doesn't track perfectly the SPX.

    SLV.....The objective of the investment is to reflect the price of silver owned by the trust less the trust's expenses and liabilities. The fund is intended to constitute a simple and cost-effective means of making an investment similar to an investment in silver. Although the fund is not the exact equivalent of an investment in silver, they provide investors with an alternative that allows a level of participation in the silver market through the securities market.
    #14     Jun 13, 2006
  4. I was tracking it vs the near futures, and the differental was high, then low, maybe because of the 10x leverage vs the contract.
    #15     Jun 13, 2006
  5. Russells'

    IWB RUS 1000 INDX AMEX Large Blend
    IWD RUS 1000 VALU AMEX Large Value
    IWF RUS 1000 GROW AMEX Large Growth
    IWM RUS 2000 INDX AMEX Small Blend
    IWN RUS 2000 VALU AMEX Small Value
    IWO RUS 2000 GROW AMEX Small Growth
    IWP RS MC GR INDX AMEX Mid-Cap Growth
    IWR RUS MC INDX AMEX Mid-Cap Blend
    IWS RS MC VAL FD AMEX Mid-Cap Value
    IWV RUS 3000 INDX AMEX Large Blend
    IWW RUS 3000 VALU AMEX Large Value
    IWZ RUS 3000 GROW AMEX Large Growth



    #16     Jun 13, 2006