OHHHH....Just another $138,000,000,000 for unemployment benefits....

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by S2007S, Mar 10, 2010.

  1. jprad


    Better check their immigration laws, both are rather strict on taking additional people in.
    #11     Mar 10, 2010
  2. showtime


    Glad you guys are showing some sympahty for the true hard working americans who would love to get a job right now but can't.

    If you cut off their benefits maybe they could just break into your house and steal your computers and turn them into cash. That way maybe you wouldn't be able to post such b.s. on the internet.
    #12     Mar 10, 2010
  3. telozo


    Technically an unemployed american cannot be hard working (unless they do some voluntary work, or work the net in search for a job, which I really doubt). And speaking of sympathy, how about some for the employed hard working americans that are going to pay for this. You know, money don't grow in trees, and if they would, they would be worthless.

    #13     Mar 10, 2010
  4. i hope 138B is enough for everybody.

    "Unemployment tops 20% in eight California counties
    Los Angeles Times - Alana Semuels - ‎40 minutes ago‎"
    #14     Mar 10, 2010
  5. The bill now goes to the House. Increased unemployment benefits are one of the best ways of providing short-term stimulus to the economy because people who are cash-strapped are likely to spend aid quickly, which boosts overall demand, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.

    What a crock of shit!

    I stand by Rick Perry, and say that the State of the Texas Union is STRONG! And Texas will continue to prosper and grow while the rest of the Nation follow's the Pipe Piper into the Abyss.

    Texas will continue to send back any "Aid" that is tied to FED conditions.

    I will be giving much of my free time to Work on Perry's Re-Election, as a yankee, as a member of the Private Equity Community, as a member of the OIL and GAS industry.

    We will not be dragged down by the bumbling fools who have destroyed many fine states with hard working americans as a sacrifice.

    I say, you better have a "coming" to jesus moment people.....because your right to persue liberty, happiness, and a fair stake in the "american dream" is being robbed from you'r very hands.
    #15     Mar 10, 2010
  6. toc


    This is money which is immediately recycled into the economy and thus keeping others jobs getting their cheques. Smart move!
    #16     Mar 10, 2010
  7. As proven by the efforts of the fine state of MICHIGAN!

    Go get 'em tiger.
    #17     Mar 10, 2010
  8. dtan1e


    has anyone notices that they "take away" by printing away the value your money of trillions while giving you back in likely less than 10% of what they took?
    #18     Mar 10, 2010
  9. toc


    If there was no stimulus to bail out the banks and other republican supported and protected 'swine organizations', then there would have been a depression which would have made 1930s look like a long weekend factory lockout.

    Printing money will eventually result in hyperinflation down the road but for the immediate future it keeps people under a roof and some food on the table...........much better than riots and looting which results in others businesses shutting down and hurting the production and causing prices of basic goods rising due to shortage.

    I am not impressed with Obama and his administration regarding the way they are handling the economic situation. At best they are keeping the floodgates from bursting open but doing little to reduce the threat level.
    #19     Mar 10, 2010
  10. dtan1e


    depression? thats just a conjecture, the only clear facts is the mass public paid for this bailout. way i see it, most of the bailout money ends up in the stock market and who are the major holders of the stock market? truly wealthy, more like a reverse robin hood
    #20     Mar 10, 2010