Oh snap! White house trying to take down video

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ChkitOut, Sep 14, 2012.

  1. Lucrum


    I agree.
    #31     Sep 15, 2012
  2. 1) Absolutely true, which is why we need a Ron Paul like President. Guys like him and Christie appear to be the only ones on either side willing to cut govt.

    2) Absolutely false, I have a choice between 2 guys or no vote. On the whole I disagree with obama on just about EVERYTHING. Romney is the better choice for me. I could not vote but I view obama as a destructive anti American pres and he has to go. Calling me a hypocrite because of one issue is foolish, you don't agree 100% with obama (i hope) but you'll be voting for him, right?
    #32     Sep 15, 2012
  3. It wasn't on the federal level. Look if we are expected to abide by our laws then that means all of them. The Constitution is top dog, Congress doesn't have the authority to mandate us to buy shit, they just don't. At the state level things are different.. i disagree with it at every level.
    #33     Sep 15, 2012
  4. This is pretty disturbing. Between this and the 'special prosecutor' for Zimmerman, WHO WAS FOUND INNOCENT by law enforcement, it seems that obama will do anything to push his agenda. Add in breaking bankruptcy law in the case of GM and Chrysler, as well as the individual mandate and the only conclusion is - he doesn't respect or honor our rights if they get in his way. Fuck him.
    #34     Sep 15, 2012
  5. pspr


    And the democraps gave us the Big Deal, The Great Society, the housing crisis, the banking crisis, the great recession, ObamaCare and the greatest spender in all of history, Barack Obama.

    And his worthless ass has to go!
    #35     Sep 15, 2012
  6. Well, it is easy to say that we are the most powerful military and we should be laying the law, but much harder to actually do it. What are we going to do, dispatch enough soldiers to police Lybia? Does this attack even merit a military response on our part and if so what is proportionate and what would the objective be? Or should we demand that the Libyan government -whatever the fuck that might be - round up the rioters and prosecute them in a court of law?

    What I understand of the film maker is that the Feds visited his parole officer to see whether he may have violated the terms of the parole. And I agree with you that this seems picayune and overly solitious to the "feelings" of the Muslims.

    This is a political black hole for any President. The Middle East is
    always an ocean of gasoline awaiting a match. I always stand by the right of free speech, I oppose censorship and governmental actions designed to chill speech. However, our government has not said anything about the video itself being in violation of any law. But I thinkthe Feds should investigate the video fully and those involved in its later version for the following reason: The timing of the attack is on the anniversary of 9/11 and the Muslim world became aware of the video after Glenn Beck-style TV pundit in Egyp, Sheikh Khalad Abdalla called attention to the Arab version of it. So it would seem the riot was not spontaneous but planned, and this video was used to rouse the rabble.

    I agree that the attack is more than the killing of an Ambassador, his aide, and two fomer Navy Seals dispatched to the consulate. It is a symbolic attack on our country by groups within a fractured and divided country emerging from a civil war. I think we have to balance our sense of outrage and desire for justice and revenge with a sense of realism and sense of what's possible.

    When Reagan ordered an fighter-bomber attack on Quadaffi, he did it in response to Libya's involvement in the 1986 disco bombing in West Berlin. If it is found out that Libya - the country - the government - orchestrated the embassy attack of last week, then by all means, bomb them. You have a target. I think.

    Who is running the show over there anyway?
    #36     Sep 15, 2012
  7. Don't forget to add that the democraps gave us the libtards and the libtards gave us resistant strains of tuberculosis, herpes, and budget deficits.
    #37     Sep 15, 2012
  8. I think we are closer to agreement than not. I didn't mean we should invade Libya, but i didn't really make it clear. Since the initial riot in egypt, it has spread all over the region, ironically it appears that in Libya, where our people were murdered, they DID actually try and protect us. it is simply a broken country, as you said, whose new govt doesn't really have the strength yet to deal with stuff like this. Also, I agree with you that we can't just bomb away as that wouldn't be right and an investigation is the best course of action, we should only demand their cooperation. Those responsible for the attack have to suffer the consequences.. we can't forget or forgive, it just isn't acceptable.

    Elsewhere, the military should be excessively present at any and every establishment that our people occupy in the region, and any attacks should be met with deadly force. this is what I meant by stopping the pandemonium. This could either escalate things or cool them off, who knows which, but it is the right course of action. If we aren't prepared to do this then tuck tail and bring them home. This course of action in conjunction with the arrest of the film maker, would be seen as victory to the zealots, and rightfully so.

    I didn't see your edit and that is suspicious, but the guy who made the video should not be punished.. for making the video. That is a total violation of the 1st Amendment and every American should let the feds know it. I know that isn't the official story but really, no one would have gave a damn if this didn't happen. his arrest is textbook appeasement especially at this time.
    #38     Sep 15, 2012
  9. I didn't mean that the government ought to investigate the original producer of the video but rather look into the Arab language version of the video that played to Arab world. It was publicized on Sept 8 by a well known Egyptian talk show host and 3 days later the Arabs are taking to the streets. I think a terrorist group may well have supplied the Arab language video to the talk show host to help foment riots as a cover for thier attack.
    #39     Sep 15, 2012
  10. Sounds about right. Libya was clearly planned well in advance.
    #40     Sep 15, 2012