Oh look, Jim Rogers was long the dollar the last two months, and didn't tell you ?

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by tmarket, Dec 10, 2009.

  1. TBT which he was touting went from 70 to 35 in the next 30 days.
    #41     Dec 13, 2009
  2. They never tell me anything. :(
    #42     Dec 13, 2009
  3. Rogers doesnt TRADE!

    From the book Market Wizards

    I sent him a letter requesting an interview, explaining that I was working on a book on great traders.

    Rogers responded: I am probably not the person you want to interview. I often hold positions for many years. Furthermore, I'm probably one of the world's worst traders. I never get in at the right time."

    I arrived at Rogers' home ......Greeting me, Rogers immediately stated, "I still think you have the wrong man."

    The guy is saying he doesnt trade and you shouldnt listen to a word he says....What more do you want him to say?:p
    #43     Dec 13, 2009
  4. The legend strikes again.:eek:
    #44     Dec 17, 2009
  5. Quote from makloda:

    Einhorn, Paulson, Soros and Sprott make their money from TRADING. The Rogers, Schiffs, Fabers and Prechters of this world make their money from TALKING - with zero accountability.


    Makloda nails it.....

    Look....the simple acid test .....

    If one has the "REAL' numbers.....this is the easiest thing to
    sell to the "sheeple hungary" media advertising sellers....TV....Books....media in general....

    Entertainment serves what people like....

    Everybody likes "Money"....

    Even people who are just good ....just talking about it....draws lots of flies....ie Cramer one of the worst....lots of contacts....just about who you know...to be the fake star of the show....

    However the more clamoring sheeple bullshit....the better....

    The more RETAIL participants there are....the better the markets are....

    Actually.... there needs to be lots of Cramers and Rogers....the more of their ilk.... the better....
    #45     Dec 17, 2009
  6. Rogers was partner in a fund, and Faber ran a fund (maybe still does, I haven't checked), so both have published track records. Schiff has investment clients, and even if he doesn't publish returns publically, he still has accountability to those clients.

    And just because you don't have access to someone's trading account, does not mean they don't have one. The fact is, you have no idea to what extent anyone without public disclosure does or doesn't make money from trading, so claiming otherwise is just idle chit chat. By your logic, Bernard Baruch, Nathan Rothschild and Robert Wilson didn't make money trading either.
    #46     Dec 17, 2009
  7. Rogers has never claimed he never had a losing trade. I don't know if you're just completely misinformed, or if you're a complete moron, or perhaps both.

    And by the way, I noticed Rogers saying he was buying the dollar quite a while back. It was still going down at the time. Evidently you missed it.

    I've been following Rogers since the 1970s. He's a long term investor, not a trader. At that time he was on the Barron's panel every year. That was the only time you could find out what he was doing. The fact that he said he was buying the dollar is significant because over the years he has mostly said to sell the dollar. He was well ahead of the move down in the last few years in the financials. Did you miss that call? He pounded the table on FNM around 70 and C around 50. Many, many times before they actually broke. Later he talked about selling all the brokers, after the move was already started.

    Did you miss the long commodity call back in the late 90s? Sheesh. He's pounded the table on that one too, for years.

    Frankly I don't understand why people here in this thread, with no known track record, and no calls that I've ever seen of any significance would be all over Rogers. The guy simply expresses his opinion. He's been right more often than not.

    Those of you who claim you bought China at the high? LOL. You weren't paying attention.

    #47     Dec 17, 2009
  8. And that makes them about as credible as any random clown here on ET who has a trading account without any public track record, doesn't it.

    Why don't Prechter, Faber, Schiff & Co. each simply take a relatively small account ($500k or whatever is necessary), trade it according to their recommendations, get it audited and publish the results every month? Because then they become accountable and would risk their aura of infallible forecasts.

    One audited, public -50% year would never be forgiven. They would be exposed. But the loyal fanboys quickly forget the dozens of completely wrong forecasts because their cognitive biases overweight the calls that turned out to be correct.
    #48     Dec 17, 2009
  9. Has he ever been wrong? Nope. Notice how he always is only "early", but NEVER (!) wrong :cool:

    That's exactly when you know someone is more hype than reality. If at least he had numbers to back up his supposed investment genius over the last 25 years I wouldn't say a thing. But he doesn't and thus his worshipers are left guessing as to how successful or unsuccessful Rogers has been as an investor lately.
    #49     Dec 17, 2009
  10. I really hope this story is true. Buffett doesn't get in at the right time either, but there's so much upside a few percent doesn't matter. I'm sure that's how Rogers feels.
    #50     Dec 17, 2009