October, bk laws changing, another black October Crash setup?

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by mahram, Sep 4, 2005.

  1. it seems alot of things are coming into a head, Im not even including alan greenspan retiring. Thats going to make everybodies head spin.

    #11     Sep 5, 2005
  2. Come to think of it your correct :) I can't remember such a convergence in events to come...

    #12     Sep 5, 2005
  3. Soooo assuming things really hit the fan; more natural disasters, loan defaults, raw material shortages,Greenspan without a necktie, supply chain interuptions,market instability(smirk); how do we as traders and investers adapt to lack luster markets?

    I trade stocks so granted my vision is limited and my perceptions skewed but it sounds like this may........force me to be more creative!

    ...or lose my butt:(
    #13     Sep 5, 2005
  4. The BK law changes have already been priced into the market. While I don't like the fact that it gives credit card companies a free put option, I do agree that reforms were needed. The fact is,
    our economy is highly leveraged, if people stop paying their obligations the entire economy is going to fall to pieces.

    Here's the interesting part, I think that hedge funds and other companies like FNM or FRE, and Investment banks, that have billions of dollars in off the book deriviative trades pose much greater risk to our economy, than someone with 8k of credit card debt. That's where I see the risk.
    #14     Sep 5, 2005
  5. well what if the kind of thing like hurricane katrina hits. Where you lose everything in a fell swoop. Look at the pacific northwest. We are due the huge 9.0 or greater. If that hits, that would make katrina look like a cake walk and an inch in the back.

    #15     Sep 6, 2005