Ocommunist won, now lets talk civil war

Discussion in 'Politics' started by LEAPup, Nov 6, 2012.

  1. Excellent post.
    #11     Nov 7, 2012
  2. Obama gave up on the conciliatory stance when Boehner promised and couldn't deliver. From that point on it's been by Executive Order. Both sides will be dug in. He can't run in '16 so what does he have to lose?

    He is also pretty ticked about the GOP dragging their feet on his judicial appointments. Obamacare is here to stay.

    It's going to be ugly and I wouldn't be at all surprised if there is an attempt made.
    #12     Nov 7, 2012
  3. Has anyone of the 500 retired generals who took out the ad give the order? I would imagine that many of them still have great influence wthin the US military.
    #13     Nov 7, 2012
  4. Did you think Romney had a chance of carrying CA ?
    #14     Nov 7, 2012
  5. I think he will. Obama has secured his second term, he can be much bolder in going a bit more towards the right. Boehner will have wiggle room to go a bit more towards the left after Mittens got himself mopped up for being too far to the right.

    I think some things will get done. Enuf to let Christie finish cleaning up the mess.
    #15     Nov 7, 2012
  6. achilles28


    Obama fought for, and signed, the NDAA, which authorizes the US military to round up American citizens, and detain them in prison, indefinitely, with no trial, lawyer, or due process. And the Federal Court of Appeals upheld it as Constitutional.

    Anyone that supports Obama is a fucking traitor. Obama is a fucking traitor. 80% of Congress that voted for the NDAA are traitors to the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

    Now, most of us are afraid to call these motherfuckers out for what they are - TRAITORS - because we fear recrimination from our Government, for standing up and defending the liberties our founders fought and died for.
    #16     Nov 7, 2012

  7. It’s the same kind of thinking that took out Lincoln and King.
    Enough shit like this keeps being said, and somebody’s gonna feel like they need to be a hero.

    He’s not going to do or NOT do anything out of spite, or because his feeling got hurt and he’s pouting. He hasn't acted like a little kid that’s had his toy taken away at any point in the last 4 years, and he won’t begin to now.

    He may have made some pretty severe mistakes the last 4 years, but none have been done out of vengeful thinking. I’d be interested to see what stories would have come from the headlines if you had been president the last 4 years.

    He knows that nation is divided, and he’ll work to fix it. But it's a two way street and he's going to need some help. I believe the man does have a heart. How bout you?

    Thanks for saying that. If I could add something to this , I would like to say: There are a lot of people emotionally charged over the election and people care about where our country is going. A lot of people who are upset the most are the ones frustrated because they feel like their sitting on their hands - or their hands are tied.

    I've seen many on this forum use some pretty big words over and over, and write some pretty winded posts, myself included. Why not take some of that desire to make the changes; to bridge the gaps that need bridged, and put it into words? Send it to your representatives. Send them a few letters or even emails. Tell them that you want to help, and that your worried about where we are going. Tell them if you're on the left, that you understand people on the right feel like they are being wronged, and tell them why. If you are on the right, or somewhere in between, tell them you’re willing to look past the wrongs that have been made, so long as we work to make things right. Then give them a solution. Tell them that you want your president, congress, senate, and the house to read every word you've written, because it’s important for your country.
    #17     Nov 7, 2012
  8. Yep, thats pretty effed up. Welcome to dumbfuckistan.

    #18     Nov 7, 2012
  9. Lucrum


    Again, spot on. And the Obamabots are too fucking stupid and busy celebrating to even notice.
    #19     Nov 7, 2012
  10. The best way to plan for an attack is a family two-way radio system. Know each other by code name so few people know who you are.

    I actually have a strategy, but I have to be careful or they're gonna send the FBI on me.

    I'm an ex-Marine and I like that part of the oath that commits me to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic.
    #20     Nov 7, 2012