OccupyOakland Sent Eviction Notice by City Hall; Protesters Defiant

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Trader666, Oct 22, 2011.

  1. #OccupyOakland Sent Eviction Notice by City Hall; Protesters Defiant
    by Alexander Marlow

    Hours after Big Journalism reported on a death threat made against an ABC reporter covering the Occupy Oakland protest and following a week’s worth of videos at Breitbart.TV chronicling the demonstration’s descent into lawless disorder, City Hall has said that the tent city will not continue. Last night an eviction notice was issued that cited the “increasing frequency of violence, assaults, threats and intimidation.” [VIEW THE EVICTION NOTICE BELOW.] (attached)

    From the San Jose Mercury News:

    A pro-Occupy blogger for the San Francisco Chronicle attributes the eviction notice to the footage of Occupy Oakland posted at the Breitbart sites:

    What began nationwide as a run-of-the-mill gathering of various socialists and Communists plunged quickly into bedlam: squalor, violence, public urination, fire hazards, and public sex at Occupy Oakland. The Occupy protesters eventually banned media from the tent city and threatened the life of KGO-TV’s Amy Hollyfield, who was allegedly accosted by a man who said, “We shoot white bitches like you around here.”

    Naturally, Occupy Oakland says it’s not going anywhere but City spokeswoman Karen Boyd says the complaints have been mounting and so a confrontation seems like a very real possibility.

    Moreover, a far-left government like that of the City of Oakland acknowledging that the Occupy protest poses a risk to the safety and well-being of its citizenry could encourage and embolden other cities to further investigate the various protests.

    Below you’ll find a link round-up of the reports issued on Breitbart.TV. This marks a clear victory for citizen journalists and new media, without which the true nature of Occupy Oakland would never have come to light.

  2. pspr


    Its going to be interesting to see if the Democrats continue to support the OWS group over the local athorities actions to evict them.
  3. Update:

    Occupy Oakland shuts streets, defy eviction order
    Matthai Kuruvila, Chronicle Staff Writer
    San Francisco Chronicle October 23, 2011 04:00 AM
    Sunday, October 23, 2011
    Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/10/22/MNUU1LL5KR.DTL#ixzz1bc75rGnh

    Occupy Tells MoveOn, 'Don't Co-Opt Us!'
    Protesters spurn conventional politicians, even those who support them
    By Queena Kim on October 22, 2011 - 10:30 a.m. PDT
  4. Uh oh. So the flashpoint will be in Oakland.
  5. Max E.

    Max E.

  6. I saw that... had she been from the Tea party, child protective services would have taken her daughter away.
  7. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    That question is rhetorical, right?
  8. Max E.

    Max E.

    I should have clarified, and said "who the fuck camps out in the middle of a park with a 2 year old and a bunch of vagrants walking around, who have already been shown on numerous occasions to be violent."

    There is a slight difference between taking your kid to the lake camping, and camping out in the middle of a dirty shit hole like these OWS campsites have turned into.