Occupy wall street mental retardation

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ChkitOut, Oct 3, 2011.

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    One sign being carried around read, “A government is an entity which holds the monopolistic right to initiate force,” which seems a little ironic when protesters complain about being physically assaulted by police in the same breath.
  2. Irony is defined as the use of words to convey a meaning opposite of its literal meaning. The government is the entity that holds the monopolistic right to initiate force...this is a true statement......therefore, protesters complaining about being physically assaulted by the police (when they write that on a sign) is actually congruent. They are calling this monopoly on force to attention.

    The protesters are misguided in that they are calling for big government solutions to problems they don't understand, however, there is nothing ironic about that. The movement seems to have been co opted by the DNC.