Occupiers-What Do You Want?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Maverick74, Oct 7, 2011.

  1. Do you have to get back on Banff next week?

    #41     Oct 7, 2011
  2. Max E.

    Max E.

    I was watching John Stewart last night and they were interviewing owners of small businesses (Bars, Restaraunts, Coffee Shops) etc. in the area where the protests are going on in New York, and apparently these protestors are going in and out all day, trashing their businesses dumping shit (actual human excrement) all over the bathrooms in the businesses, and protesting inside of their business. One person actually walked up to the owner of a shop wih a bag full of his own shit and asked if she could dispose of it.

    These dumb asses are protesting wall street, big business and corporate greed and then targeting Ma and Pa businesses where the owners probably dont make much more than the average person in America. Apparently no one told them that none of these big businesses or corporation actually go to walltreet to do business anymore, so they are just willing to take it out on any business that is unfortunate to be in the area regardless of the size. One of the women was saying that she wants to just close the doors of her business until the riots finish, because no one will go there any more, and these idiots actually where it as a badge of honor that they wont buy anything from the shops.

    Most of these kids are just out there to wreck shit and party, and they dont even understand what it is they are protesting.

    #42     Oct 7, 2011
  3. Frankly, I know how to hijack this protest.

    We have unions joining in, Michael moore, some other odd and end supporters like him.

    Now the WW2 vets are there, soon the Marines.

    We need to have the Tea party, the Republicans, the police union marching, then the Firemen, everybody jump in, get the farmers, we need some advocates for the criminals and criminals too.

    Everybody should join in. "Got a beef"? "C'mon down." no reason to just have the gummy bear crowd.

    Get the 1% to supply porta potties, drop some baloons & flowers, a bouncy bouce would be nice.

    A great big party. Have everyone make a prayer wish, write it down. Set up a big fn wishing well. This could be fun.
    #43     Oct 7, 2011
  4. This is a perfect description of what happened, from Hyman Minsky, who was, by the way, dead in 2008:

    Each new type of money that is introduced or an old one that is used to a greater extent results in the financing of either some additional demand for capital and financial assets or of more investment...Financial innovation therefore tends to induce capital gains, increase investment, and increase profits: the economy will try to expand beyond any tranquil full-employment state.
    The financing of investment demand by means of new techniques means the generation of demand in excess of that allowed for by the existing tranquil state...Full employment is a transitory state because speculation upon and experimentation with liability structures and novel financial assets will lead the economy to an investment boom. An investment boom leads to inflation, an inflationary boom leads to a financial structure that is conducive to financial crises.
    Therefore, in a capitalist economy that is hospitable to financial innovations, full employment with stable prices cannot be sustained, for within any full-employment situation there are endogenous disequilabrating forces at work that assure the disruption of tranquility.

    One of his solutions was to break up the big banks. It was also one of Taleb's solutions. Taleb is over on the right, Minsky was on the left. But they both agree on this point.
    Why? For more or less the same reason: to prevent another massive financial crackup. What everyone knows, and you can see it in the Bank Transfer Day idea, is that the banks are too big, these big banks are dangerous, and they need to be busted up.
    Before the mania there were all kinds of laws in place to limit how big a bank could get. During the mania all the limits were taken off.
    None have been put back, Dodd-Frank notwithstanding. Not a single one.
    Forget prosecuting the fraud; how about actually putting back in place the limits that prevented the previous financial screwups from turning into a 2008, which was only a whisker away, at the bottom, from becoming another 1932?
    What the people see is that the Democrats, unlike their thirties forebears, don't seem to have the nerve to do what's needed, and the Republicans are completely hopeless; with the exception of the few who agree with Paul, the rest don't seem to think there's anything wrong with the current situation.
    #44     Oct 7, 2011
  5. Lucrum


    Endless welfare paid for by other peoples money?
    #45     Oct 7, 2011
  6. Lucrum


    Would it be a dumb question to ask what a Banff is?
    #46     Oct 7, 2011
  7. pspr


    I was wondering the same thing. All I could see from google was some ski area in Canada. Kinda early to start skiing though.
    #47     Oct 7, 2011
  8. Max E.

    Max E.

    It Is a pretty popular resort town year round, tons of babes there, i believe i also heard a stat from someone when i was there one time that it is the STD capital of Canada.


    Its a trap. :D
    #48     Oct 7, 2011
  9. A Ron Paul supporter. Pretty good rant. You won't see this on FOX. You won't see the corporatist establishment show any coherent protesters.
    <iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/tFz1VVXsWRU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
    #49     Oct 9, 2011
  10. Is that Freddy Mercury? :D
    #50     Oct 9, 2011