Obame 30 minute Infomercial. LOL

Discussion in 'Politics' started by dinoman, Oct 29, 2008.

  1. Why did you lose your cool?

    People make more than 250k will get a tax increase.

    People make less than 200k will get a tax cut.

    Those in between 200k and 250k will not see any change in their taxes.

    If you had been following Obama's policy statements, you would know that this has always been the case. He is basically restating the same policy. For those screaming "empty suit," it shows who are the real empty suits who complain before actually learning what's going on.
    #21     Oct 29, 2008
  2. cuz69


    Hey ICEMAN

    You obviously seem like a BO supporter... so I will send you my address and you can spread the wealth, since you seem to believe in his views.... LOL
    #22     Oct 29, 2008
  3. dinoman


    Just because one "party" screws you , does it mean the other will save you? NO! Just so you know both of these so called parties screwed you!

    Try not to lean towards what party is the lesser of evils and educate yourself for the "ones" that will let all live, thrive and fail under a system that our fore fathers intended us to live.

    You did not hurt my feelings!
    #23     Oct 29, 2008
  4. cuz69


    NO NO NO NO......

    July 8 and in every debate 250k
    Oct 25= 200k
    Oct 27= 150k (that came from JB)

    Todays infomercial 200k... So which is it? The guy is full of shit!
    Google the dates and interviews.
    He has clearly changed his position and his statements!
    #24     Oct 29, 2008
  5. I feel sorry for people who proudly display their ignorance.

    Read it here:
    It's been there all the time and has never been changed. If you're too dumb to read it, at least STFU so we don't have to know that you're dumb.
    #25     Oct 29, 2008
  6. Whoa! You want us to be reading?

    #26     Oct 29, 2008
  7. dinoman


    Did you even bother to read the first post in this thread? Unless your willing to have an open mind you can pack it up as we all know your Obama or ziltch!
    #27     Oct 29, 2008
  8. cuz69


    Dickwad.... Google the dates and interviews! Do your own homework.

    PLUS HE HAS CLEARLY SAID IN EVERY DEBATE 250K!! You can google them too!

    I THINK IT IS YOU WHO NEEDS TO STFU and get your shit straight!

    Better yet, go back to sleep. You have nothing intelligent to add or worth listening to anyway!
    #28     Oct 29, 2008
  9. 250K you pay more

    Under 250K does not necessarily mean a tax cut.

    Under 200K probably means a tax cut, depending on circumstances (which you guys could calculate if you learned to use the Internet to go to electiontaxes.com)
    #29     Oct 29, 2008
  10. TGregg


    Oh please. Everybody already knows that once he gets in office, it's taxes up for everybody not already on the government dole. Nobody even debates that any more. It's "tax cuts for 95% of Americans" when 40% don't even pay taxes.

    If you are stupid enough to want to be self-reliant and work for a living in ObamaNation, then the libs are going to pile up one parasite after another on your back as you slave away until you finally break. It's win-win for them. The more people they get that need government to survive, the more votes they get. The more votes they get, the more they can tax and regulate the rest of the voters. The more they tax and regulate, the more people they move to needing government to survive. And the circle of death continues.
    #30     Oct 29, 2008