Obama's spritiual mentor on a roll....

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Fractals 'R Us, Sep 9, 2008.

  1. He doesn't have to say it directly. When I have black associates who say, "America F**ked Me Out Of My Share!" they are discussing white folks screwing them over. No other races are included in that description. It's understood by default. Black folks do that a lot. :)
    #21     Sep 9, 2008
  2. Jeez, it's not really Christianity, it's Liberation
    Theology, which is Marxism... and it's all about class warfare maybe, but to me it's just "Get Whitey" expressed on a different level.... "God Damn America" for the way they treat Blacks, pretty racist to me since it was whites that supposedly are to bring all this damnation down on the country.

    Get this folks, Oprah goes to that church!! It's said to be like a country club dues paying thingy in Chicago for Blacks, that was the church to go to...... when I was a kid all the country club executives of the fortune 500's had to do a stint as an usher at a Presbyterian Church... it was some kind of rite of passage....

    Sociologists tell us that they tested americans and by far the most racist are the blacks!! I still think it's a laugh where the Democrats are today, they can't afford to lose a tenth of the black vote or they are history, that is how much they are hanging on by a thread in this country and they are wearing out their welcome even as I type here, Obama referred to Palin as a pig with lipstick today and the Governor of New York said that "community organizer" is racist.... the Democrats are nothing more than minions of the black voters, if they get in office you can guarantee that the money will flow to those black voters as it has since Roosevelt... and it will keep them out of the really good private sector jobs and on welfare /public sector jobs as long as possible, if Blacks get into private sector jobs and get a life apart from the Democratic party they will be Republicans.....

    Here's to Obama...... Jimmy Carter's second term and Roosevelts fourth term all rolled up into the next 4 years, I can hardly wait for that......
    #22     Sep 9, 2008
  3. Jeez, I'm religious. I could say everything I believe in, not seeking any argument at all and I would get trashed just like Sarah Palin, it happens every time..... and it would be 99% from people that have only heard the argument against my thinking and never heard the argument for..... there are some outrageous religious people though, how they go from "God is Love" to "Nuke Iran" and "Damn America" is pretty muchly... uh, I can't think of a word for it. Religious people are pretty much agitated by their religions and maybe they feel the need to make some noise and stir things up, that is a very interesting question you pose.
    #23     Sep 9, 2008
  4. Ummm yeah, when a phrase has little quote marks around it, yeah, he has to say it directly.
    #24     Sep 9, 2008
  5. McCain joking about bombing Iran:

    #25     Sep 9, 2008
  6. Obama already admitted that JW is a racist on the O'reilly interview, but feel free to disagree with your own candidate.

    However, I think we can all agree that obama is on the slippery slope and continues his downward spiral since he has accepted his party's nod. McCain is leading on most national polls now, including a gallup poll that shows him up 10. McCain is also leading in the independent women vote by 12 in which he previously trailed by 8. That's a 20 pt swing and pretty significant by any standards.

    #26     Sep 9, 2008
  7. My parents are from the "show me" state, so I don't believe it unless you can show it.

    But yes, I feel free to disagree with Obama on quite a few points. In my opinion he's still the much stronger and more competent candidate.

    If you cherry pick polls, yes. You have to be careful with Realclearpolitics as they will often not show polls that they dislike, and will try to compare dissimilar polls.

    The reality is that Obama is slightly ahead or even in the vast majority of the polls.

    #27     Sep 9, 2008
  8. I'm from the find-it-yourself state. If you care to know the truth about your candidate you can easily search it yourself.

    Both our polling links essentially use the same data. I was specifically refering to the latest polls, post conventions. My apologies if I was not clear on my previous post.

    Though most polls have not updated yet, the ones that are updated show an dramatic shift of momentum for McCain.
    #28     Sep 9, 2008
  9. pattersb2

    pattersb2 Guest

    Obama never had a chance ... America is not yet ready to elect a Black-Marxist president ... Perhaps in time .
    #29     Sep 10, 2008