Obama's Obsession With Islam Now Extends To Sanitizing Terrorist's Own Words

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by AAAintheBeltway, Jun 20, 2016.

  1. You know it is PC gone crazy when the republican's chief apologist for muslims calls it out. Even Paul Ryan is appalled at Obama's latest effort to mislead the public about islam. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/06/20/doj-releases-redacted-orlando-gunmans-911-calls.html

    It turns out the Orlando terrorist had rather lengthy phone conversations with the authorities as wounded people laying bleeding out inside the nightclub. This is where the curious three hour delay between the start of the attack and the final conclusion came from. One can rightfully fault the police for passivity, but no doubt they had legitimate considerations. One does wonder just how long they were prepared to wait however.

    No such explanation can possibly apply to Obama's decision, foisted off on his incompetent AG Loretta Lynch, to delete embarrassing references to islam and muslim terrorists from the transcripts released to the public. Like Jack Nicholson told Tom Cruise in A Few Good Men, Obama must believe, "You can't handle the truth."

    References to allah were apparently changed to "God." Others were redacted entirely.

    Some FBI drone was trotted out to explain that it would be inappropriate to include the references since the shooter was not a valid representative of islam.

    "Assistant Special Agent in Charge Ron Hopper defended the deletions.

    "[Mateen] does not represent the religion of Islam, but a perverted view," Hopper said, later adding: "Part of the redacting is meant to not give credence to individuals who have done terrorist attacks in the past. We're not gonna propagate their violent rhetoric."

    Good grief, at least now we are getting a window into the incredible PC mindset that apparently rules our security services. Everyone feel safer now?
    Tom B likes this.
  2. Ricter


    Here's your memo: It's Clinton vs. Drumpf in November.
    conduit likes this.
  3. Good1


    I agree it's very telling of a mindset not willing to face problems head on.
  4. Thank you Mr. Obama for restoring transparency and honesty so that we the people may trust our government once again. I'm not sure that even Orwell could have dreamed up an administration as corrupt as this one.
    Tom B likes this.
  5. It's one thing for Obama to lie to our faces, like he repeatedly does, or to give us one of his patronizing "you don't deserve a president as special as I am" lectures. But to alter the actual words of a terrorist who went out of his way to proclaim that he was acting as a jihadi is beyond preposterous. The reason given, that he had a perverted view of islam, is even more troubling.

    I know plenty of people with Confederate flags and not one of them has shot up a black church. No one was wringing their hands that people might get the wrong idea when that idiot did shoot up the Charleston church however. In fact, the left leaped on it as an excuse for cultural cleansing. Somehow muslims are different however. We have to bend over backwards not to malign the religion responsible for 99.9% of the terrorism in the world.
  6. "YOU LIE"! Who knew this statement would so profoundly sum up the entire presidency of Barrack Hussein Obama.
    It's one thing to lie and believe you're fooling someone. The pathological lying which permeates this entire administration has been taken to a whole new level. To lie, when you are 100% certain that not a single person is believing you, and still go on with the lie...that's a pathology as yet unstudied.
    And where's the MSM? Not just this time around, but for all the lies? Where are they with their, the people deserve to know mantra? At best they remain willfully ignorant, happy to turn a deaf ear and a blind eye. Worse, and it seems to be the case time and again, they will repeat the lies, provide cover for the lies, facilitate the lying and attack anyone who dares to question the lie.
    A quote from another site nails modern day liberalism. "All ideologies are evil when made doctrine - manifestos become bibles - concepts and ideas become absolutist and unalterable. They become religions."
    Tom B likes this.
  7. Good1


    I notice O'Reilly is using the term "the Islamic jihad" most deliberately these days. That term makes more sense to me even then "radical Islamic terrorism", as O'Reilly's term implies that such warfare is baked into the Islamic mold.

    It seems that Muslim awareness, even of their own religion, is tiered. Those who say it's a religion of peace of have not made the effort to look into the basement/cellar just below them.

    So there seems to be this game going on, to prevent them (and everyone else) from looking into their own cellar. Meanwhile, the jihadis are all trying to get their people to look into the cellar, and emerge as fighters for the jihad...which is kind of a perpetual declaration of war until the entire planet is subdued.
    AAAintheBeltway likes this.
  8. Apparently now they have backtracked and will release the unedited transcript, or so they are tell us. How would we know for sure?
  9. I am pleased to be your first "like." You nailed it. There is nothing particularly radical or extreme about muslims committing acts of terrorism. Even the more gruesome conduct, like severing heads, is based on the recorded actions of their murderous prophet, the one Obama so deeply admires.

    Actually, the peaceful ones are the ones who are not being observant. But by all means, let's bring in several million more because it has worked out so well everywhere else countries did that. If they could all be settled in Paul Ryan's district I might change my mind and favor it, but otherwise, it is madness.
  10. Tom B

    Tom B

    #10     Jun 20, 2016
    CaptainObvious likes this.