Obama's new losing streak?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by stock_trad3r, May 12, 2008.

  1. What's your point?

    You said you know politics so you should have known this would happen 6 months ago. It will happen again in to a lesser degree in Kentucky and PR. Same reason in Kentucky (almost entirely working class whites), and a different reason in PR (Latinos don't like Obama much either).

    He still gets the nomination hands down cause he will still have the delegates, and probably the popular vote. He will have won nearly 40 of the 52 contests (Guam and PR vote in primaries).

    Am I rooting for Obama? Sorta. I hate the socialist, but think he stands a better chance to lose the general than Hillary, who I also hate.
    #21     May 14, 2008
  2. Yannis


  3. Forgive me, Yannis, but you are utterly deluded. Consider picking up a few fun facts and having a laugh at the same time. Read Al Franken's The Truth (with Jokes) or his book that preceded it, Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them. Franken makes no effort to veil his liberal orientation and his opinions are certainly clear enough. However, the facts and chronologies he presents are accurate and documented. So while you're being entertained by a wit and his opinions, you will be able to interpret those cold, hard facts and the sequence in which they occurred for yourself. And you will arrive at a somewhat sobering conclusion rather different than the one you expressed in your post.
    #23     May 14, 2008
  4. the same Al franken who doesn't pay his income taxes? failed to pay in 17 states, and then blames his accountant of 18 years. One year, plausible. he didn't pay 4 years running.

    i wouldn't believe anything this guy says.
    #24     May 14, 2008
  5. Is that all you got?


    Tax issues

    New York state officials stated Al Franken Inc. failed to carry workers' compensation insurance for employees from 2002 to 2005. Franken paid the $25,000 fine to the state of New York upon being advised his corporation was out of compliance with the state's workers compensation laws.

    The California Franchise Tax Board reported the same corporation owes more than $4,743.40 in taxes, fines and associated penalties in the state of California for the years from 2003 through 2007 because the corporation did not file tax returns in the state for those years. A Franken spokesman said that it followed the advice of an accountant who believed when the corporation stopped doing business in California that no further filing was required. However, Republicans say that Franken made 32 public appearances between 2003 - 2007, including two on NBC's Tonight Show with Jay Leno taped in Burbank, Calif., for which Franken would have been paid the standard union fee as a member of the Screen Actors Guild. On April 29, 2008, Franken released a statement noting that he will pay about $70,000 in back income taxes in 17 states dating to 2003. Most of the income at issue was from speeches and other paid appearances by the comedian-turned candidate, who said he got bad advice from his accountant, who told him to pay income tax only in his state of residence. Franken will seek retroactive credit from the states where he paid income tax that should have been paid in these 17 states.
    #25     May 14, 2008
  6. Yannis


    Frankly (NPI) I'm torn: I always liked Al Franken's humor and disliked his politics... Jay Leno should consider running too, same thing.

    You know who would be a riot in American politics, running for the Senate or something? The Iranian PM Ahmedinejah; he's nuts but ridiculously funny sometimes. I think the Mullahs put him on that post because he's hirarious, a real fool - not to mention the fact that he serves as a substitute target for assassins and keeps the real powerful guys safe.
    #26     May 14, 2008
  7. Yannis




    "It would be an act of terminal insanity for Barack Obama to name Hillary Clinton as his vice presidential candidate. It would not help him get elected, it would drag all the Clinton controversies into the general election, and having her down the hall in the West Wing would be a recipe for disaster, dissension and civil war. Other than that, it’s a hell of an idea!

    Start with the election. There are two kinds of people who backed Hillary in the primaries: her original supporters and those who joined her later in the game. Her original backers are all solid Democrats whose arms would fall off before they would back anyone who is pro-life. They are true believers, feminists, pro-choice advocates, older party loyalists who would prefer Hillary, may have doubts about Obama, but will always fall in line and vote Democratic. The more recent converts are people who are turned off by Obama’s connection to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and who worry that he might be a closet black radical. Their latent racial fears were heightened by the revelations about Obama’s links with Wright, and they voted for Hillary as the lesser of two evils. Putting Mrs. Clinton on the ticket will do nothing to assuage these fears. One wonders if these blue-collar, downscale, racially motivated voters would actually support Hillary against John McCain if she were to win the nomination. They certainly wouldn’t follow her into Obama’s camp just because she was on the ticket.

    Obama’s key need in the election is to demonstrate his experience and ability to do the job despite only minimal federal experience. Running with someone whose experience he, himself, derided will hardly solve this problem. Voters only credit Hillary with having experience when her record is compared with Obama’s almost total lack of a record. Against McCain, she would do nothing to close the experience gap. Better for Obama to choose a senator with long tenure — a Chris Dodd (Conn.) or Joseph Biden (Del.) — just as Dukakis chose Bentsen, Bush chose Cheney, and Kennedy chose Johnson.

    If Obama put Hillary on the ticket, it would re-raise all of the questions about Bill’s income sources, what he did for Dubai, what he did for Frank Guistra — the Canadian mining executive who gave millions to the Clinton library and whom Bill introduced to the president of Kazakhstan — and whether he will make public his library donors. Who needs those issues, especially when Obama is trying to wage an anti-Washington-influence-peddling campaign?

    Finally, having Hillary in the West Wing would be a nightmare. There is no way that Obama could trust her. She would be a throwback to the old days when the president did not consult the vice president on anything, a situation which led Vice President John Nance Garner, FDR’s VP during his first two terms, to call the office “not worth a pitcher of warm piss.”

    If Obama got into trouble, he would have to look over his shoulder at Hillary and he would always have both Bill and Hillary around to show him up, hog the limelight, generate controversy with ill-considered remarks, and make life difficult. Would Bill stop giving speeches and making money? Would his ties with Arab nations and questionable American and Canadian businessmen end? Or would Obama have to explain his VP’s husband’s business dealings over and over again.

    And, the ultimate question: Can Bill Clinton be put back into the bottle? Is this recent spate of angry, finger-wagging bursts of inappropriate outrage a permanent fixture of his public persona? Does Obama want to take the risk of having him on the team and having to account for his conduct?

    Hillary would add no votes to Obama, she would dog his campaign with scandal, she would be disloyal in office, and her husband would be, at best, a huge distraction. Case closed."
    #27     May 14, 2008
  8. Yannis


    IMAO: In My World: Obama Responds to His Loss in West Virginia

    "Senator Barack Obama has a some very introspective remarks for his concession speech after losing by 41 points in the West Virginia primary:

    "Do you not see the flag pin, you inbred, hillbilly retards?! I wore a @#$% flag pin for you mouth-breathers! I broke my campaign's only strongly held principle -- not being patriotic -- for you! My friends won't even look at me when I have it on. I even found Ayers trying to put a bomb on my car. What more do you want from me?

    "Is it because I'm black? Is that why you @#$% crackers won't vote for me? Now I know why my wife hates America. Well, you better hope I don't get the presidency, because I will install Ray Nagin as ruler of West Virginia and he will chocolatize your state. When you bitterly head to church on Sunday, you'll find Wright preaching there about how God wants us to kill honkeys.

    "So go pluck your banjos while you can, white trash. And does anyone want a flag pin? I don't have any use for it anymore.""

    :) :) :)
    #28     May 14, 2008
  9. As I suggested in my earlier post, dismiss Franken's obvious political views if you disagree with him, and enjoy his comedy. But, more importantly, consider the inter-related facts that he presents in context and then judge for yourself. Disregard his opinions, but at least he distinguishes his opinions from fact -- something that the far right cannot seem to manage (or simply chooses not to). At the very least, you'll be entertained...in a tragicomedy sort of way.
    #29     May 14, 2008
  10. Yannis


    IMAO: Good Thing This Isn't Japan

    "I don't care if you're ahead in delegates, if you lose a primary by 41 points, you commit seppuku.

    If you had honor, that is."

    :) :) :)
    #30     May 14, 2008