Obama's illegal immigrant aunt gets asylum!!!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Trendytrader, May 17, 2010.

  1. http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2010/05/17/judge-rules-obamas-aunt-can-stay-in-u-s/

    President Barack Obama's Kenyan aunt can stay in the United States, a U.S. immigration judge has ruled, ending a more than six-year legal battle over her status.

    Judge Leonard Shapiro made the decision Friday, court officials told CNN. Two government sources confirmed Monday that the ruling will give legal status to Zeituni Onyango, allowing her to remain in the country.

    Onyango's attorneys plan to hold a press conference at 2 p.m. in Ohio.

    Onyango, who is the half-sister of the president's late father, applied for political asylum in 2002 due to violence in her native Kenya. She was a legal resident of the United States at the time and had received a Social Security card a year earlier.

    Onyango's asylum request was turned down in 2004, and she has been living in the United States illegally since then. She appealed the rejection of her request twice, but was denied each time and ordered to leave the country.

    Judge Shapiro gave Onyango permission to remain in the United States in April 2009 while he considered her case.

    In February, Onyango arrived at an immigration court in a wheelchair and testified before the judge for more than two hours, her representative, Amy Cohn, told CNN at the time. Two doctors, including her personal physician, also testified on her behalf. Onyango's medical condition was part of her legal defense against expulsion.

    White House officials said during the appeals that Obama was staying out of the matter.

    "The president believes that the case should run its ordinary course," the officials said.

    Onyango's immigration status came to light in the final days of the 2008 presidential race.
  2. Lucrum


    Is it just me or does Obongo have a lot of relatives from Kenya?
  3. Maybe she can go live in the White House.
  4. Lucrum


    What, and leave his step grandmother living in a mud hut?

  5. jem


    and the left makes fun of people who want to see his birth certificate.

    fricken commies. (i am not talking about the picture above... that looks photoshopped. )
  6. Jem,

    I go to a local church here in South Carlsbad on Monday nights to help people with resumes etc. I am not a member I just live around the corner so it's no big deal.

    I just got home a few minutes ago. I met a lady who has a few relatives in the military. She said "numerous" military personnel now are sending letters to Obama about his eligibility. No replies are being received.

    It's sort of gotten to the point where they don't care what people think about them doing it. That's they feel it's going to become a trickle then a flood.

  7. jem


    that is very interesting.