Obama's civil war in Iraq

Discussion in 'Politics' started by 377OHMS, Dec 22, 2011.

  1. Max E.

    Max E.

    Yep, you would think that we would learn, there is no way to fix these backword people, they are a few centuries behind the rest of the world and will keep killing each other indiscriminately unless we stay there and baby sit them like children, which we simply can not afford.

    The best way to deal with them is to simply leave them alone, and let them kill each other, instead of getting involved, and spending money we dont have so that they can kill us.

    #11     Dec 22, 2011
  2. I think you are missing what is really happening. The shia muslims, under the direction of Iran, are in the process of squeezing out the sunni muslims. President Maliki is a shia and a stooge for Iran. They have already forced out the VP, a sunni, on possibly trumped up charges of terrorism.

    They barely waited for the US troops to get on the bus before they started this sectarian cleansing. Clearly it had been planned for a long time.

    Obama and Bush have to share the blame for this. Bush was naive for thinking these tribal societies could turn into Wilsonian democracies. Obama failed at negotiating an enforceable power sharing arrangement that would protect the minorities.

    As a side note, under the watchful eyes of Bush and Obama, the vast majority of the Christians in Iraq have either been killed in pogroms or forced into exile. Nice going guys.
    #12     Dec 22, 2011
  3. Max E.

    Max E.

    We never should have been there in the first place, there was no way that these places can be governed except by ruthless dictators, we have already seen this time and time again, insanity is repeating the same actions and expecting different results, so how else could you call our policy in the middle east anything other than insane.

    Its hard to call Obamas failure to negotiate a longer stay for us as a failure, as there was no way that this was going to end except in failure, we could have either stayed there forever and go broke trying to police them or left and let it all fall apart, neither decision was something which would have led us to a point we would call "winning", quite frankly, im happy that the people in Iraq kicked us out, if the new president was smart, he would have left us there until he had greater control, as the Neo Cons, the military, and Obama would have been happy to oblige, and history has already shown us repeatedly we have no problem supporting dictators so long as they do some of the things we want.

    As it stands the whole country is now going to fall apart, while the idiots who support these wars attempt to make the claim that we "liberated Iraq" they were better off with Suddam.

    #13     Dec 22, 2011
  4. BSAM


    #14     Dec 22, 2011
  5. +1

    So much wasted in lives and money.

    And, as if the U.S. is going to have any effect on the 1000's year old Sunni Shiite war.

    #15     Dec 22, 2011
  6. I will keep quoting this till one of you reads it damn it :mad:
    #16     Dec 22, 2011
  7. John McCain said the same thing
    #17     Dec 22, 2011
  8. +1,They had peace until they were invaded by BUSH

    4 trillion tax payer dollars,4,000+ dead Americans,100,000 +dead Iraqi civilians ,30,000+ wounded Americans is only part of the consequences of Bushs Iraq war failure. Saddam kept Iran in check.Saddam would have never let Iran build nukes and the worse that would have happened would have been those 2 assholes fighting another conventional war .Bush couldn't take 5 seconds to think that with Saddam gone that only leaves The United States and Israel to deal twith Iran when they start acting up :confused: Saddam also kept terrorist out of Iraq

    After what is clearly a colossal failure all but one GOP presidential candidate continues to argue that The Iraq war was the right thing to do
    #18     Dec 22, 2011
  9. pspr


    According to The New York Times, "he [Saddam] murdered as many as a million of his people, many with poison gas. He tortured, maimed and imprisoned countless more. His unprovoked invasion of Iran is estimated to have left another million people dead. His seizure of Kuwait threw the Middle East into crisis. More insidious, arguably, was the psychological damage he inflicted on his own land. Hussein created a nation of informants — friends on friends, circles within circles — making an entire population complicit in his rule".[9] Others have estimated 800,000 deaths caused by Saddam not counting the Iran-Iraq war.[10] Estimates as to the number of Iraqis executed by Saddam's regime vary from 300-500,000[11] to over 600,000,[12] estimates as to the number of Kurds he massacred vary from 70,000 to 300,000,[13] and estimates as to the number killed in the put-down of the 1991 rebellion vary from 60,000[14] to 200,000.[12] Estimates for the number of dead in the Iran-Iraq war range upwards from 300,000

    #19     Dec 22, 2011
  10. You do realize that a lot of the people Saddam killed are the same kind of people that have been killing and blowing up our troops in Iraq right ?
    #20     Dec 22, 2011