obamanomics question...

Discussion in 'Economics' started by blackbook, Sep 9, 2010.

  1. The crumbling infrasatructure needs repairing. That is a given. People need jobs. That is a given. Better to spend on infrastructure than provide unemployment benefits where they may otherwise not be needed, and get a tangible and meaningful result in the process. Employment in the sector will have a beneficial ripple effect in related and tangential sectors. Win-win-win.

    Thanks for asking.

    I see you beat me to it.
    #11     Sep 9, 2010
  2. If done proper, it would create jobs.

    Manufactures in Steel, concrete, paving, oil industry out put, quarry's, labor..etc.

    This would all boom. However, it will not happen as the last round of "Infastructure" money was not applied proper.

    I have a bunch of clients who are in the top Road Construction and Bridge Construction industry. Very few of them saw enough money to do much. In fact, many started bidding and yet to have received responses to bids on "Projects".

    OBAMA is a clown. So are most of the idiots in DC. They made sure a few Signs were put up on some simple road way projects.

    I heard stories from my clients about how repaving roads that were only 5 years old was about all that happen. I had one client in Washington State, who got a decent size project to repair bridge and roads.

    But he is 1 outa how many?

    Once again, It's bullshit speak by OBAMA and the Clowns around him.

    To bad they didn't pull their head outa there ass and really put that money to work two years ago.

    Fucking Ass Clowns.
    #12     Sep 9, 2010
  3. Fuck you, you lying piece of shit, and everyone like you. I hate wars and don't respect Bush for invading Iraq. Again, to clarify: fuck you. Let me know when you need a refresher.
    #14     Sep 9, 2010
  4. 100% correct. Had it been done 18 months ago, and done correctly, we would be seeing the fruits of our labor. Instead, we're just seeing fruits.
    #15     Sep 9, 2010
  5. Nonsense. China doesn't even have a currency.
    #16     Sep 9, 2010
  6. Sure, as the financial system was crumbling in Bush's wake, he should have started with infrastructure. While middle class Americans were simultaneously being either gouged by health insurers or being denied coverage. Indeed, how did he not manage to immediately fix everything his predecessor took 8 years to fuck over?
    #17     Sep 9, 2010
  7. my follow up question is very simple... why not just give this money to small business/medium business or dont give any money just implement tax incentives/cuts to small business... i think that would have a greater impact and stimulus than just simply spending it on random jobs that only help a small group.

    i am not trying to start a debate here or an argument, just cannot understand why this lil booster shot will work.
    #18     Sep 9, 2010
  8. NOTHING will work to ease unemployment... until there is HUGE demand for something.... demand such that people have to be put to work to make the goods to satisfy that demand.

    The government can give money via stimulus and tax breaks up the ying-yang... and still there won't be DEMAND to stimulate production.

    The only "thing" that comes to my mind as having such significant potential would be if the government were to adopt a policy of "energy independence"... and put people to work manufacturing gasoline-to-natural gas conversions and infrastructure to distribute natural gas. Of course the oil companies would lobby against such action.

    Even if the Republicans sweep the House and Senate, employment unlikely to pick up... unless, of course, the Repubs are able to pull off a Warren G. Harding.... seems impossible with Obama driving us over a cliff.
    #19     Sep 9, 2010
  9. He was sold as the Messiah that could fix it all, and aside from that left handed compliment, the fix wasn't all that hard had the people in charge been competent. They weren't, so we are where we are.
    All that time wasted on heathcare should have went towards improving the economy. Those people being "gouged or denied coverage" are still being gouged and denied, and they're unemployed. What good came from the healthcare circus? Nothing!
    #20     Sep 9, 2010