Obamacare to be Overturned?

Discussion in 'Economics' started by tenthousandmen, Jun 18, 2012.

  1. "Uncompensated care" isn't actually that much of overall spending. Something like 2% of all healthcare dollars.

    The main drivers of cost increases are advances in technology, the aging of society and overall higher demand for "health" in a wealthy society.

    I don't really see the "crisis" that "forced" Obama and the Dems to actually put Obamacare into law. Surveys have consistently shown that ~85% of people with insurance coverage were happy with their coverage and most of the people who were considered "without coverage" were so of their own volition. There is a contingent of people with pre-existing conditions who wanted coverage but could only get it at a high cost and they complained a lot and became the focus of a lot of anecdotal sob stories. Well, you don't make policy by "sob story". These people could have been singled out for some level of subsidy (not my preference, which is to do nothing for them, but that's probably not going to fly in a society as soft-headed as the US of 2012). Then, there are some inefficiencies in the individual coverage market due to the fact that most people get their coverage from their employers and those inefficiencies could be taken care of for the most part by equalizing the tax treatment of both markets, which would have the effect of making individual policies closer in price to group policies.

    So, what we ended up with is a stealth welfare program designed to solve the "problems" of a very small proportion of the population, but to do so in a way that redistributes wealth from both the rich and the young to the poor and the middle-aged.

    Great, more social engineering by people who wouldn't merit the title "engineer" unless "sanitation" were the adjective modifying it.
    #21     Jun 18, 2012
  2. zdreg


    responsibility for your actions and liberalism is an oxymoron.
    #22     Jun 18, 2012
  3. So no one wants to answer the OP, which is supposed to be an economic question :D
    #23     Jun 18, 2012
  4. At best, the hiring effect will be marginal. If Obamacare is a tax (which it is), regardless of how it impacts labor costs, that cost will be passed along to consumers.

    Surveys of business owners have focused on lack of demand as the primary reason for not hiring. Obamacare being repealed won't really have a major impact on that.

    In those same surveys, Obamacare and regulation generally rates lower, but it is considered a drag in the current environment.
    #24     Jun 18, 2012
  5. piezoe


    One can only hope that you acquire a serious and chronic health condition as soon as possible and lose your job and your health care coverage.
    #25     Jun 18, 2012
  6. If that happened, then it would suck to be me, but I wouldn't go around crying for the government to force someone else to pay my bills as a result. It's called having character in the face of adversity.
    #26     Jun 18, 2012
  7. zdreg


    yours is big talk until the shit hits the fan. why don't you post a list of reasons that will justify in your mind not paying your 5 or 6 figure hospital bill if one unfortunately comes due?
    #27     Jun 19, 2012
  8. zdreg


    liberalism is your religion. your words and actions are almost like the words of a religious zealot. the religious zealot says i am a man of peace and a man of god. join me in the faith. if you say no u die by the tip of the sword. in western society it is coercion by government via congress/parliament via legislation and/or the executive branch through executive orders.
    #28     Jun 19, 2012
  9. zdreg


    "never underestimate the stupidity of the american public."
    the american public is no smarter than Argentinians who elected juan peron and his successors. obama is juan peron reincarnate.
    #29     Jun 19, 2012
  10. Because the court has had totally lib appointees who don't believe or understand it.

    #30     Jun 19, 2012