ObamaCare policies will cost more

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by nutmeg, Feb 11, 2013.

  1. I get it, kids don't vote so they don't get medical coverage. Makes sense to me... and our affordable care will cost a lot more but we won't be able to get an appointment with a doctor in most of the country because there are not enough of them and even less are willing to work cheap to make Obama/Pelosi look like big successes...

    'ya know, wage and price controls have a 2500 year history with zero instances of success, but our know-it-all Democrats put a lot of them in this Health Care act..

    It is absolutely correct that all we needed was for the government to pass laws that made our insurers become responsible citizens. Our legislators have a collective case of chicken legs when it comes to legislating morality.
    #11     Feb 12, 2013
  2. It just amazes me how blind most of you people are. You really don't get it!

    Note to self... That is why I am the boss and don't need to work.
    #12     Feb 12, 2013
  3. clacy


    You are clueless. It's very obviously you have little business experience or acumen.

    Our average cost for health insurance per covered employee is over twice the figure you listed, and we are in a fairly low cost health insurance state.

    You can talk about flapping my gums, but we cover 25 (and growing) employees and their families. How many do you cover? Let me guess......... ZERO. You just like to spout off on internet forums and advocate that "someone else" should pay for something. It's always do as I say, not as I do for liberals.

    We also have well over 200 part time, hourly employees. 60-100 of those are probably full-time equivalent employees. Do the math on an additional 80 employees x $500/month. It basically sucks well over half of our entire margin out. Now we're getting to the point, like you said in your post that you think... why in the hell should I take the risk?

    It is a very low per-employee profit margin business. There are many sectors of the economy that are this way.

    Clearly I understand that it's unfortunate that we aren't able to afford to pay for their benefits, but the margins simply aren't there. I don't claim to have all the answers, but I know for a fact, that Obamacare is an absolute joke and will not reduce costs or make it more available to people.

    Many sectors of the economy are bracing for this and the main strategy used, will be to reduce hours and employees, along with price increases.

    By the way Mr. Smartypants. Price increases automatically equate to less customers, which means less employees needed.

    I predict that 2 years from now there will be millions of people that used to work full time and now work 2-3 part time jobs instead.
    #13     Feb 12, 2013
  4. Is there anything in the bill stating doctors and hospitals need to give out "menus" with the prices of procedures supplies and drugs so I can just check of what I want to use? Also will they give me a big discount if I sign something saying I won't sue them no matter what happens?

    When I have my heart attack in the near future I hope I just drop dead and don't wake up in the hospital.
    #14     Feb 12, 2013
  5. clacy


    Herein lies part of the problem. There was nothing in this bill to help reduce the medical litigation, yet study after study says that a significant portion of procedures, medications, treatments, etc are prescribed due to "defensive medicine".

    Defensive medicine is a fancy word for litigation avoidance.
    #15     Feb 12, 2013
  6. Unfortunately, this plays right into the hands of big business or a publicly traded company that will have more access to capital. I firmly believe that a part of this plan was to eliminate competition and consolidate more power into the hands of the "chosen few". It just continues a pattern I've seen for years whereby small business faces an excessive amount of regulation and cost to the point that either the business owner decides "it ain't worth it" or they can't overcome the cost of doing business and fold up shop.
    #16     Feb 12, 2013
  7. clancy,

    This is a educated guess. You are a Florida business owner?
    #17     Feb 12, 2013
  8. clacy


    Nope. Not even close
    #18     Feb 12, 2013
  9. I forgot to add Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!!!

    Don't blow a fuse there piker!
    #19     Feb 12, 2013
  10. I'm going to speculate a bit.

    The court basically called this a tax. Now I get it, Obama care in totality is going to be one disguised tax, not a health care plan.

    Here's how I think this will play out. Cos will ask and receive various exceptions and exemptions - will be granted, diluting the real goal of Obama care. None of this will matter to TPTB because exceptions and exemptions will still generate revenue.

    For example, fast food asked for exemption based on high turnover. Exemption granted: pay tax instead. Union cadillac health care plans may very well become exempt, okay, just pay a penalty or fee or tax and exemption granted.

    We'll all be back to square one, doing health care business the "old" way via exceptions just pay for the privledge.
    #20     Feb 15, 2013