obamacare levels the playing field.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Free Thinker, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. OK, I'll take that as your way of extending an olive branch of sorts. I do call out nonsense when I see it, from either side. Please realize that I have been sort of stuck in another land for many months, and I do log into 3 or 4 boards each day. When my trading is slow, as I'm sure you can agree, we may spend more time on these boards.

    I pride myself on my honesty, it has always worked well for me. Even if it didn't, I can't really change my thought process.

    I do take the time to review posts, and cancel many, before actual posting. I try, and fail at times, as you pointed out, to be civil.

    I think you wanted me to call out RCG about flying lessons, which I think I did. Either he took them or he did not. Period.

    In the more deep discussion, I can't recall your asking me to evaluate someone's lies or hypocrisy, but am willing to review once again.

    I can't recall the name of the service I used for a couple of charter flights a couple of years back, but when I get another of their emails, I'll mention their name. Do you work for a single service, or do you sort of free-lance? Wouldn't it be funny if we ran into each other? Please don't misunderstand, I have only done this, maybe 5 or 6 times, and I have always split the costs where it made sense.

    Not sure how to sign off here. Maybe Buffoon, or maybe C@#$, or maybe just mrbill. I'm trying here.
    #51     Nov 21, 2012
  2. Lucrum


    Ha! May I suggest you start by being honest with yourself then.

    Not really, you tried to downplay his lie and give him a pass. Just last night you made the utterly absurd statement that he was "winning" our arguments. Despite all evidence to the contrary. (see above again)

    What's generally refereed to as selective memory. (see above...again)
    Where the fuck is this coming from? I don't do charter.
    If you say so
    May I suggest: "intellectually dishonest schizophrenic"?
    #52     Nov 21, 2012

  3. OK, not schizo at all, pretty much the same all day long. And, I have to be utterly honest with myself, day in and day out.

    My comment about winning arguments, was simply what I've noticed when you tend to get caught up in the Hatfield and McCoy thing between the two of you instead of discussing the topic at hand. But that's nothing to dwell on, you two have your own arrangement.

    And, excuse me if I was wrong again. I thought you did private pilot duties, but did not work for a scheduled carrier. Perhaps you would enlighten me a bit, thanks.
    #53     Nov 21, 2012
  4. Lucrum


    F.A.R. part 91 is what I do, corporate/private jets. Air taxi or "Charter" flying is F.A.R. part 135. Generally, with some exceptions, done by the less experienced over worked and under paid guys.
    I've been very fortunate (so far) in my 30 year career to have avoided doing any charter flying.
    #54     Nov 21, 2012
  5. Good points, and I think if we really dive into what the Insurance companies are extracting from every dollar, we may find an answer. Single payer is the way to go. Obviously.
    #55     Nov 21, 2012
  6. Great, thanks for the explanation. I'll google some of this, thanks again.

    Do you work for a single employer or do you have the ability to free lance?
    #56     Nov 21, 2012
  7. BSAM


    Way too many whores in D.C.
    #57     Nov 21, 2012
  8. Lucrum


    I work for two wealthy individuals who own a 75/25 split of the plane I fly. I do occasionally do some pilot service or "free lance". But being the conscientious employee that I am I always worry about being gone, should one of my guys need to go somewhere. So I self limit how much I do.
    #58     Nov 21, 2012
  9. Yeah man , I'm gonna work for free, while the rules and regs of govt are going to find ways for me NOT to treat you in order to save money.

    Oh and were going to be doing more "treatment" without more professionals and prices will be lower and better quality service.

    Anybody who thinks the laws of economics can be legislated by decree is a FUCKING FOOL.
    #59     Nov 21, 2012
  10. jem


    more baloney.

    you need to do the research into the lobbying.
    you need to understand that the industry went to Obama and said this is the bill you have to pass.

    it took them that long to get the single payer democrats to cave into accepting their the bill written by Pelosi Reid and the insurance companies who pay them off.

    but nevertheless it was a complete lie for you to blame the republicans and say it was the best that could be done because Republicans would not allow it. That law passed without a single republican vote.
    #60     Nov 24, 2012