ObamaCare is bad for Business and Americans

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by HeSaidSheSaid, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. You guess wrong. He was awarded the prize for his efforts in international relations, specifically for nuclear disarmament.
    #21     Oct 5, 2012
  2. If your income is large enough to trigger the tax penalty for not buying the minimum insurance, then if you don't pay it is likely that the tax will be taken by wage or asset garnishment. You'd have to do something fairly arcane, e.g. actively hide virtually all your assets, to wind up in prison over such a small amount.
    #22     Oct 5, 2012
  3. Hey....:D

    And also for his efforts in climate change..

    Nuclear disarmament and climate change......Nuclear disarmament and climate change......Nuclear disarmament and climate change......Nuclear disarmament and climate change......Nuclear disarmament and climate change......
    #23     Oct 5, 2012
  4. Please take a look at these new taxes and tell me if it doesn't affect the average person or the middle class.

    #24     Oct 12, 2012
  5. It doesn't affect the average person negatively. The average person has group or individual health insurance. The average person makes less than 200k and is not the owner of a business with more than 50 employees.

    This will negatively affect those who do not have insurance and are too rich to qualify for Medicaid. I find it detestable that there is a law that calls for someone to give money to a private company just by dint of being alive, but it is somewhat made up for by the fact that insurers must accept anyone.
    #25     Oct 12, 2012
  6. MKTrader


    Uh, no. Something totally unconstitutional and against the principles of a free society (i.e., forcing people to buy health insurance) isn't made up for by forcing insurers to cover everyone. Two wrongs don't make a right.
    #26     Oct 12, 2012
  7. piezoe


    It's taken me a long time to realize this, but medical care is not a good fit to the capitalist mold. The way to fix medicare is to extend it, by choice, to everyone regardless of age, making it a pay as you go government system, and force the private insurers to compete. They won't be able to, of course. Private medical insurers are subsidized by all of us tax payers because they insure the healthy young population, and medicare takes on the medical costs of the older population. That's utter nonsense. Medicare can bury private insurers with efficiency if allowed to by collecting premium from both the healthy younger population and the older, sicker population. Give everyone the option at any age of paying into medicare or selecting a for profit insurer and let the better, more efficient competitor capture the market. This will solve the problem of medicare paying out more in benefits than it collects in premiums and end the taxpayer subsidy of both medicare and for profit insurers.

    I believe in free enterprise, meaning free competition. If for profit insurers can't compete, let them die a well deserved death. End the current taxpayer subsidy of medicare and of the for profit insurers by extending the option to sign up for medicare to everyone. Everyone should have the choice to be covered by medicare or by private insurance. And insist on medicare being revenue neutral, no taxpayer subsidy.

    Bring back the public option. Stop subsidizing for profit, and phoney non-profit insurers such as the Blues, with the tax payer's money. We need the "public option".
    #27     Oct 14, 2012
  8. piezoe


    It probably makes more sense to to accept reality and argue from there.
    #28     Oct 14, 2012
  9. piezoe


    The private insurers will, of course, if allowed, game this system by siphoning off the young and healthy with lower rates than medicare and boosting rates above medicare for the old, but this can be prevented by not guaranteeing, after a specified, relatively young age, the option of switching carriers from private to medicare, or vice versa. Both Medicare and private insurers should be required to publish and honor their current age-indexed rates and coverage details. Any one who for any reason can not afford their health premium and must fall back on public welfare must have the option of picking their previous coverage back up at the same rate they would have paid had there been no interruption.

    We must stop subsidizing private insurers, who are currently siphoning off the young and healthy and leaving medicare with the expensive burden of providing medical care for the old and infirm.
    #29     Oct 14, 2012
  10. Thanks for posting this, his blog is very enlightening. I've spent the past hour or so reading his past posts and learning a lot about why current US healthcare is so much more expensive than a simple free market approach.


    He did a TV interview that is worth watching: fast forward to about 6 minutes for his interview.

    #30     Oct 14, 2012