Obama wants the ability to shut down the internet at will

Discussion in 'Politics' started by NKNY, Apr 7, 2009.

  1. Look, you're the escaped patient who's a few eggs short of an omelette, the nimrod who told us all that Bush planned and executed 9/11, and that he was going to do so again to justify rounding up "patriots" like yourself into FEMA concentration camps. You also had an unhealthy fear of the Carnivore system and were traveling from safe house to safe house, living off the grid so the evil gubment couldn't find you.

    In other words, you're a total loon. I'd ask you what display of "outrage" would satisfy you, except for the fact that I really don't care.

    Just for shits and giggles, how evil you do you feel the Obama gubment is? How does it compare to the evil Bush gubment?
    #71     Apr 9, 2009
  2. Lucrum


    How much fucking dumber can we get?

    #72     Apr 9, 2009

  3. It pays to look at DC with a jaundiced eye. Everythying they have done lately has weakened the US not strengthened it.
    #73     Apr 9, 2009
  4. NKNY


    lol, your right, our furor wants a civilian security force just as powerful as our military and we say nothing, they are destroying our dollar to implement a global currency and we say noting. They want to tax us unmercifully with cap and tax to prevent global warming, I mean global cooling, I mean global "change"and we say nothing... They call vets, and ron paul supporters terrorist and we say nothing. Codex food...lol I know, people dont even know what the heck codex is... they will soon....and even if they did, they would say nothing.

    Everybody walking around like landis thinking its all one big conspiracy and if main stream media wont report it, well, its must not be true... Main stream media is just there to condition us to accept the plan...

    here is more conditioning for global currency... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inocIEqmz-w

    We cant get any dumber I guess...sadly, mission accomplished...
    #74     Jul 14, 2009
  5. Eight


    Obama will be over with pretty soon. For one thing his political positions on very nearly every individual issue are so out of alignment with the normal American [I almost wrote normal Human, lol] that eventually every voter is going to hate something that Obama stands for. When he is speaking from his teleprompter he is a dunce hiding behind a sapling. His approval index is -8 already and it won't get better while the economy is imploding...

    #75     Jul 14, 2009
  6. Some say the REAL reason JFK was assassinated was because of his opposition to the Fed.
    #76     Jul 14, 2009
  7. Lucrum


  8. Don't worry about the others. Your potential is boundless.
    #78     Jul 15, 2009
  9. Those two words are how rumors are started and spread with plausible deniability.
    #79     Jul 15, 2009

  10. All it is going to take is one large crisis, such as a currency event, Americans start getting pissed off and he will be gone from office.
    This guy is vulnerable despite what some of you Zombies think.
    #80     Jul 15, 2009