Obama to announce increase in taxes for businesses and wealthy

Discussion in 'Politics' started by MrDODGE, Feb 21, 2009.

  1. TGregg


    You forgot point 3. Make as many people as possible rely on the government for handouts. To do that, move as many people as you can from group 1 to group 2.

    Which party gets power when the economy tanks? Which party benefits from misery? Which party has the most to gain with massive unemployment, widespread misery and poverty in every corner?

    Who jumps with joy at the failure of America?

    It's not difficult to see that one party is dead set on causing as much damage as possible and making as many people dependent on the government as they can. It gains them votes, and it gives them power and it is not surprising in the least.
    #21     Feb 21, 2009
  2. gnome


    That's why I say, "They have EXACTLY what they want"... All of this pain and misery is INTENTIONAL and the benefits inure to the Gummint!

    Because to get us back into a GROWTH economy would require a RADICALLY different path of Gummint policies...
    #22     Feb 21, 2009
  3. Mav88


    In his weekly radio and Internet address today, Obama expressed determination to "get exploding deficits under control" and described his budget request as "sober in its assessments, honest in its accounting, and lays out in detail my strategy for investing in what we need, cutting what we don't, and restoring fiscal discipline."

    Reducing the deficit, he said, is critical to the nation's future: "We can't generate sustained growth without getting our deficits under control."

    I don't know how he can say that without busting up laughing, or is this guy simply so cynically political that he just doesn't care?
    #23     Feb 21, 2009
  4. The point is that the political system itself....

    Must be changed....


    Churchill stated ....

    A democracy is a horrible way to run a country....
    But it better than the other options....


    Just because Bush and Co blew it....does not mean that the
    Democraps will get it right....

    Obama is going to be a one time President....

    There is no doubt about it....
    #24     Feb 21, 2009
  5. TGregg


    A growth economy reduces the power of the government as more people learn to depend on themselves rather than some bloated, expensive federal bureaucracy. That hurts politicians in their pocketbooks, and they will do anything to avoid it.

    Sadly, the republicans have also caught this disease, although it's not as prevalent as in the democrats. Yet, anyway.
    #25     Feb 21, 2009
  6. gnome



    And the American people fell for "the NObama sting" in November.

    We NEED "things" to be different in America, but not the things he has in mind for us... :mad:

    For those who have not read much of American history... you should know the Founding Fathers were all about people having FREEDOM to pursue their lives as they wished without intervention by a large and powerful Federal Government. "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness" ring a bell?

    Look what we have today? And the Gummint is pressing to make even MORE people dependent upon government to increase their power and influence... it's pathethic... sickening..frightening, too.
    #26     Feb 21, 2009
  7. The US is going down the Euro-Japan path of the lost decade coupled with a much higher level of socialism....

    At the moment to get out of this current jam....Obama would need to signal that the US govt would be dramatically downsizing while changing over to the 10% consumption tax culture....

    Then the US would become the next USA in grand style....
    Every good company in the world would want to domicile in the US... The US would rock....
    #27     Feb 21, 2009
  8. mtwokay


    It will but this is what Obama wants.

    Tank the markets, business, economy, employment, load up with debt, add 12-20 million illegals to the mix and who will be left to take care of you?
    #28     Feb 21, 2009
  9. dhpar


    americans consume/spend more then they produce/receive. that is true for both the private and the public sector.

    it does not look like anybody wants to reign in public spending right now. so you can either raise taxes (dems), indebt your children (republicans) or do both (reality).

    the reason why obama comes with this right now is not so difficult to understand.
    some buyers of us debt start to be rightfully concerned about a sustainability of what is recently going on. in fact it may have even be a condition of chinese for continuing bidding at UST auctions. after all clinton just landed from the "friendly" visit...

    look at news from this weekend:
    "Activists 'shocked' at Clinton stance on China rights"
    "Clinton urges stronger China ties"
    "Clinton: Chinese 'human rights can't interfere' with other crises"
    "China stresses security, liquidity when deploying forex reserves"

    connect the dots instead of dumping shit on obama, bush, mccain, paulson, geithner, greenspan, bernanke or whoever else. some ET members are experts in this.
    #29     Feb 21, 2009
  10. Bring bush back???? that dude never cared about the econmic turmoil.....he was at the end of his 2nd term, and was rather apathethic.
    #30     Feb 21, 2009