Obama thinks he is the 4th best president ever, In other News Rome continues to burn

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Max E., Dec 17, 2011.

  1. Pelosi isn't responsible for the tax cuts,wars,medicare expansion etc that caused most of the debt and deficit problems
    #51     Dec 17, 2011
  2. Lucrum


    Epic fail, just like your messiah.

    Please, carry on.
    #52     Dec 17, 2011

  3. Not

    Ending Bush's depression,universal healthcare,ending the Iraq war,killing Bin Laden,keeping the country safe from major terrorist attacks,protecting amercan ships from pirates ,taking out 22 of the top 30 Al Qaeda Generals ,major nuclear treaty with Russia,Ending DADT ,Fair Pay act,Expanded healthcare for kids,major financial reform bill etc
    #53     Dec 17, 2011
  4. Bush took more vacation time then Obama
    #54     Dec 17, 2011

  5. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2011/08/17/eveningnews/main20093801.shtml

    Presidential vacations: How does Obama compare?

    August 17, 2011 7:30 PM

    (CBS News)

    Following his three-day bus tour to promote his economic agenda -- and not to mention the debt limit rancor in Washington before that -- President Obama is finally getting some rest and relaxation.

    On Thursday, he and his family are heading off to Martha's Vineyard, the island off of Massachusetts. They'll be staying at a 28-acre retreat called Blue Heron Farm for about 10 days.

    There has been criticism of the president's vacation at this time. But how does the number of vacation days the president has spent compare to his predecessors? CBS Radio's Mark Knoller has kept track of presidential vacations for years and supplied the data.

    So far, President Obama has taken 61 vacation days after 31 months in office. At this point in their presidencies, George W. Bush had spent 180 days at his ranch where his staff often joined him for meetings. And Ronald Reagan had taken 112 vacation days at his ranch.

    Among recent presidents, Bill Clinton took the least time off -- 28 days.

    To be fair, a presidential vacation away from the White House is not the same as a vacation for the average person. The president is still in contact with his advisers and on call for any emergency.
    #55     Dec 17, 2011
  6. Facts show Obama is much better at killing Taliban and Al Qaeda fighters
    #56     Dec 17, 2011
  7. Lucrum


    You're a liberal lackey, democrap drone and Obama lap dog.
    You wouldn't recognize reality if someone shoved it up your brown nose.

    Go ahead, keep repeating the same nonsense. There ARE some sheeple out there dumb enough to believe it. Maybe you can all hold hands around the bonfire and sing praises to your messiah. The "bonfire" being the burning down of our country of course.
    #57     Dec 17, 2011
  8. The Republicans are most responsible for that
    #58     Dec 17, 2011
  9. #59     Dec 17, 2011
  10. Prove it! That's Republican speak for WE HAVE NO DAMN IDEAS OF OUR OWN! Therefore, we are going to use assumptive, non-existent declarations about things that are not true, that we cannot prove, that we have no evidence for, that we cannot back-up and that we have absolutely no way of documenting.

    Now, since you made the claim that Obama has done nothing, prove it. Where is your evidence, other than that which you obtained from listening to Rush "Oxycontin" Limbaugh, or what you get spammed with from Faux News each and every day, for the past 3 years.

    Give a clear, well written, focused, data filled, factual example of WHERE this President has failed the American People.

    Then, give an equally clear, well written, data filled and factual example of what this President did, that YOU (had you been President elect in 2008) would have done differently. Be precisely, be crystal clear and DO NOT DARE equivocate with me on this issue.

    I am sick and tired of hearing about how this President, having had the WORLD's economic problems dumped in his lap by Right Wing Neconservative Hacks, has somehow "failed" the American People.

    I want some damn examples - so I can debate them with you: Point by Point. And, you darn well better be factual, or I will expose your false rhetoric for what it is: False Rhetoric.

    Newt Gingrich, is FAMOUS (probably more than George Will) for generating a false premise and then closing on that premise as though he's just said something profound about his political opponent. That kind of Hackery, will not work here. So, you better bring some facts to the debate, or your arguments will get exposed as being False.

    And, Neoconservatives need to get used to the idea of taking personal responsibility for bad decisions and flawed policies that create crises in both foreign policy and domestic economic policy. When will Republicans EVER take responsibility for the mess that they overwhelmingly helped to create? When will that day come?

    Bull! The conditions around the entire GLOBE (Hello!) were causes specifically by the incompetent American Voters who put a Neocon Puppet into the White House, in 2000. The conditions around the entire world today, were brought about through in very large degree, to the absolute and total neglect of the Republican Party to LEAD on matters of domestic economic agenda, here in the United States.

    The effect of the systemic problems were seen in 2008, but their cause was presided over from 2000 through 2008, which was the period when Republicans were in charge and failing to lead in the prevention of what is now a systemic Global Crisis. No amount of re-writing history is going to change those facts.

    The Republican Congress did nothing to prevent it. The Republican President did nothing to prevent it. In fact, they all contributed in the vast majority, to exacerbating the problem, by adding Trillions more to the national debt, with unnecessary wars that were initiated on impeachable lies told to the American People and the United States Congress.

    The economic crisis created by the excessive use of BOTH debt and debt equity instruments that were traded for valuations that in no way resembled their actual worth, coupled to the absolute failure of the United States Congress (Republican lead) to properly adhere to its mandate to adequately regulate Credit Reporting Agencies, who were in the business of LYING to the world about what they KNEW was an absolute toxic wasteland of bad debt instruments being proliferated around the world; are the principle reasons WHY we are in the condition that we are in today.

    There is absolutely nothing that this President, or any President, subsequent to the implosion in 2008, would have been able to do to prevent the dam from bursting. A dam that had been under pressure since the dismantling of Glass-Steagal, circa 1933.

    In the midst of all that, this current President's actions thwarted what most rational, sane, non-partisan economists all agree would have been Economic Armageddon in the United States in terms of super high double digit unemployment and most likely the start of the Greatest Depression the United States of America had ever known.

    And, what did we get from a Texas Politician?

    - Hundreds of thousand of innocent Men, Women and Children, dead for absolutely no reason other than the lies told by a Texas Politician and his cronies.

    - Trillions of dollars added to the national debt, extending both debt and deficit with no means of future revenue recovery, all predicated on lies, deceit, distortion and official rumors of WMD that never existed to anywhere near the degree that was claimed.

    - Billions in Iraqi PSA Oil Contracts, flowing in non-competitive processes that do not directly benefit the Iraqi People, to people who were either former or current executives of U.S./British oil industry and who were appointed by the Bush 43 Administration to head the initial Iraqi Oil Counsel and who padded the entire PSA award process and skewed it to their favor, before the official Iraqi Government was ever put into place.

    - A U.S. economic meltdown unseen prior to, or before the Great Depression of the early 30's.

    All brought to you by an AWOL politician from Texas. One that YOU supported, no doubt.

    Then you should have no problem in demonstrating exactly where the President has been shallow, unintelligent, corrupt and ineffective, should you?

    Jimmy Carter, was one of the most moral Presidents the United States of America, has ever been gifted enough to have as Commander in Chief. The work you do when you leave the White House, speaks volumes about your character. What have the Bush's done since leaving office?

    Furthermore, Carter, was hit by OPEC. It was OPEC who causes the restrictions crude that in turn caused the prices at the pump to soar during Carter's term in office. Moreover, it was not Carter, who sparked the Iran hostage crisis, but is was Carter's initial actions that made it possible for Reagan, upon entering office, to claim the victory for getting the hostages released.

    More to the point, it was the 1953/54 coup attempt through Project T/P Ajax, a covert operation conducted by both British and U.S. intelligence against Mohammad Mosaddegh, a very well respected Iranian Prime Minister at the time, that the Iranian People never forgot. And, when they had enough of the Puppet Regime put in place by the United States, they revolted against the U.S. and took hostages. This in no way had anything to do with the leadership of President Carter, at the time.

    Yet, another example of how intellectual dishonest Republicans, if given the chance, will turn history upside down and inside out, to prove a FALSE claim that has no merit and no hope of ever being true.

    If you need another history lesson, post another non-sequitur lie again. I'll educate you.

    It is safe to say that you are like most Republicans in denial. You live in a world of New Gingrich, fantasy - where history, even contemporary history, can be turned around and stood up on its ear in broad daylight, whilst actually believing that intelligent people are unable to distinguish a lie from the truth.

    The worst President in the modern era, is a fantasy in the minds of prejudicial Republicans, who cannot stand the sight of a Black Dude in the White House.

    THAT is the bottom line resentment that ALWAYS comes from the Right regarding this man. The fact that you can look at his record as President, know the Mission Impossible that task that he has to correct a ship with overwhelming momentum to the downside economically, and STILL find it in your heart to hold Racial Animosity towards this guy, is abundantly distasteful on every level imaginable!

    Wake Up! There is absolutely no other rational explanation for the wildly inaccurate labels that the unpatriotic class in this country loves to pin on the chest of this man - merely because he's part African American and part European American.

    President Obama, has demonstrated himself as being one of the most capable Presidents that this country has seen in years. The fact that Republicans hatched a Denial of Service Attack on the President from day one, just so they could sit back and label him: Ineffective, is one of the most transparent of all the ridiculous tactics they have put forth thus far.

    It is crystal clear: Just say no = Label the President ineffective at election time.

    Well that might play with the dogmatic base in the Republican Party, but such non-intelligent methods won't play well with Independent Voters in 2012. Keep that in mind.
    #60     Dec 17, 2011