Obama thinks he is the 4th best president ever, In other News Rome continues to burn

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Max E., Dec 17, 2011.

  1. WOW!!!!!

    So Pelosi is the Anti-Christ......

    Good to know who you are really talking to.

    See ya!
    #31     Dec 17, 2011
  2. +1
    #32     Dec 17, 2011
  3. +1
    #33     Dec 17, 2011
  4. For the completely inept and totally exposed Right Wing in America, who voted for and supported for eight (8) long years, the single most destructive and failed President of the Modern Era, who reeked havoc not only around the world, but right here at home in the United States of America, in matters involving the taking of innocent human life, and the total implosion of what was the strongest economy in world history; is 1000% born of pure, unadulterated and bizarrely unfathomable hypocrisy of the absolute LOWEST order.

    I have but one question for the Right Wing in American politics:

    Since your failed leadership blew a hole a country wide mile wide and 8,000 miles deep, through the Global Economy, changing forever the way of life for millions of people around the world; what PRECISELY have you done since the Erection of George W. Bush, in 2000, that has EARNED you the right to now claim both intellectual and moral high ground on having the capacity to lead our nation on matters involving anything related to either Foreign Policy and/or Domestic Economic Policy?

    That is straight forward question that I have been asking DO NOTHING BUT SAY NO Republicans for the past 3 years, with not a single honest, intelligent, coherent, applicable and relevant response. And, I doubt very seriously, that I will get one here, on EliteTrader.

    The Right Wing began a programmatic system of Lying & Denying since November 8th, 2004. Lying about what President Obama has done. Lying about what President Obama will do. And, denying President Obama, any credit for his attempt at cleaning-up the mess left behind by eight (8) years of total domestic agenda neglect by the Right Wing in America. That has been their MO from the day President Obama, was inaugurated as our 44th President, and THAT continues to be their MO to this very moment.

    Threads like this, are the prototypical response to political party has has bankrupted itself, and proven itself to have NO ideas, NO hope, NO vision and absolute NO clue about how to turn itself around. It has split itself into the Radicalized Tea Party and it has completely lost its focus, purpose and mission. The Republican Party is completely void of understanding, common sense, better judgement and rational control of its objectives.

    The Republican Party allowed itself to be skyjacked, and flown directly into the side of the American People, not only on September 11th, 2001, but most importantly, in 2000, when it elected a puppet Neoconservative political hack, by the name of George W. Bush, who was THEN and is still NOW, AWOL at the TANG!

    Mission Accomplished? Yeah, right...

    President Obama is not only Commander in Chief, but for the past 3.x years, he's also had to play the role of Janitor In Chief, cleaning up behind the children of Neoconservative Imperialistic thinking and backwards leadership.

    Neocons created the problems (both abroad and here at home), were in power during the creation of the problems, did absolutely nothing to prevent the problems, poured JP4 (jet fuel) on the problems, sending its flames into the mesosphere and then sat back on the fat of its collective rear-end, when President Obama tried to solve those problems - then had the bewildering audacity and temerity, to then blame President Obama for making THEIR problems worse!

    How sick is that? How putrid is that way of thinking? How disgusting is that mindset?

    Sick, putrid and disgusting, is all the Republicans have put forth since the Erection of George aWol Bush.
    #34     Dec 17, 2011
  5. +1
    #35     Dec 17, 2011

  6. + 1
    #36     Dec 17, 2011
  7. 377OHMS


    The Obama regime hasn't done *anything*. It is the least productive executive in my memory.

    You guys really have to get used to the idea that George Bush hasn't been President for 3-years. The conditions in the country today are due to the Obama presidency which has been a clear and obvious failure in every regard. Leftist policies don't work and the result is right there for all to see.

    But that is what you get with a Chicago politician----> Corruption

    Comparing Barrack Obama against previous Presidents in the context of history leaves Obama looking shallow, unintelligent, corrupt and ineffective. Even the administration of Jimmy Carter is starting to look more positive by comparison. It is safe to say that Obama will measure up as the worst President of the modern era.
    #37     Dec 17, 2011
  8. Furthermore, if anyone can locate George aWol Bush's, DD-214 - (one that has not been Photoshopped), there is still a $5,000 reward waiting for you. All we want to know is WHY no one can locate his DD-214 and WHY even his commanding officer (at the time) did not know the precisely whereabouts of one George W. Bush, prior to his "departure" from the TANG.

    It would also be very interesting to know (since Tea Party supporters are so interested in "character" issues and proper "documentation"), where the Deferment documents that former Vice President Dick Cheney, signed to avoid going to Vietnam, when John Kerry, volunteered to get himself caught in fire-fights during the Vietnam "conflict."

    Mr. Dick "Five Time Deferment" Cheney, felt no hindrance whatsoever about lying to the public regarding the national intelligence estimate on Iraq's (so-called) "continued" weapons of mass destruction programs, as he (no doubt) fueled the "go to war" rhetoric spewed by George W. Bush, Codoleeza "Nuke'm" Rice, and Colin "Anthrax" Powell.

    BTW - Colin "Botulium Toxin" Powell, blew a 5,000 mile hole through his Presidential hopes, when he got caught carrying the water for the Neconservatives and going to the United Nations to spew their lies to global leaders. Even I would have been prepared to vote for Colin Powel, had he decided to run for President at some point in the future. But, today, there isn't a snow balls chance on Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport's flight line in mid July, that I would vote for Powel, now. He simply blew that opportunity to bits and he knows it.

    But, more importantly, I'd love to know where the hypocrisy comes from in the Republican Party these days? You put people in office that GAVE us these systemic, long lasting and extremely difficult to solve problems. Then, you sit back, do absolutely NOTHING to solve them and rest on the incredibly dishonest tactic of laying the blame at the doorstep of the current President, who despite your program of Lying & Denying and despite the massively deep hole that was created over the eight (8) years prior to his arrival at the White House, has done what can only be described as FDR'like - under the circumstances given to him.

    Personally, would I like to see Obama do more? Yes! For example:


    I would like to see the President use executive powers to haul those who flat out lied and perpetrated a fraud regarding the falsification of National Intelligence, into broad daylight, so that the American People would have no choice but to force Congress to hold Congressional Hearings on NIE on Iraq Gate, and further Department of Justice prosecution of those criminals who were involved in the biggest PSYOP against the American People, since the fires at Reichstag.


    I would like to see the President, establish a National Consortium for the Development of the New Energy Economy, such that the United States, won't fall behind China and Sweden, in the development of Clean Energy Technologies, because they have the common sense to see the absolute strategic need to do so, given the depletion rates of fossil fuel sources around the world. China, right now is developing a new kind of civilian nuclear reactor technology that will not require core cooling! They have already demonstrated the POC and can shut down the reactor without core meltdown - or anything remotely close to it. The United States has nothing to compare to this and thus our Nuclear facilities will continue to carry higher levels of risk, because we are not innovating our technologies.

    The New Energy Economy will require what the United States has stopped doing on a large scale, since the development of our early Space Program: Innovation. That is precisely what the initiative of the National Consortium for the Development of the New Energy Economy would be - to spark new U.S. based innovative solutions to not just our energy problems, but the world's energy problems.

    Doing so would give us a competitive strategic advantage and make us the world's leader in the exportation of New Energy Technologies and New Energy Technology Services. That will spark a flood of new, high paying jobs across the entire spectrum of the American workforce. And, that will do more to lift the American Economy, than anything else ever could or would at this critical junction on our nation's history.

    That is what I would do as President, and I urge President Obama, to consider doing something similar, if not the exact same thing.

    So, you can't paint me as a blind Obama supporter. I can see where he needs to do more. But, no Republican out there, after spending eight (8) years devastating the world, killing innocent people and presiding over the single biggest economic implosion since the Great Depression of 32' and the Stock Market Crash of 29', can stand in the mirror with a straight face and say that they are now somehow fit for a new National Leadership Role that even remotely comes close to that of President of the United States.

    Republicans, need to go back to the drawing board and produce something in Congress, that approaches the national economic plan that I put forth above, and then execute on it from the Congress, to prove themselves worthy of having what it takes to lead from the Executive branch of government again.

    Until the Republican Party wakes up and gets this through their collective head, it will never see the White House again, except by invitation only from the current President, and White House tour visits.

    WAKE UP - Republicans! You create a strawman and then you knock him down. THAT is NOT leadership and that will NOT get you back to the White House.
    #38     Dec 17, 2011
  9. 377OHMS


    George Bush isn't running for president.

    Obama is seeking reelection based on zero accomplishments during his first term. He has to run on his record now not the record of his predecessor. There is no escaping it.
    #39     Dec 17, 2011
  10. Lucrum


    Only he hasn't accomplished anything note worthy.

    He WILL certainly get credit, largely undeserved, for assassinating Bin Laden.
    But that was a result of a shear accident of intelligence discovery, NOT because of anything Obama was specifically doing.

    Obama care - epic failure unless of course the aim is to accelerate our bankruptcy

    1/2 billion tax payer dollars flushed down the toilet at Solyndra - epic failure of judgement unless of course the aim is to accelerate our bankruptcy

    Fast and furious - epic fail unless of course your aim is to subvert the legal process of adding more gun control over your subjects and get government employees killed

    GM Bailout - epic failure unless of course you're aim is to pay back unions, with tax payer money, who helped you get into power

    Voter intimidation of 2008 left unchecked or prosecuted - epic failure unless of course your aim is to promote more of the same

    Class warfare - epic failure unless of course your aim is to divide the nation even more

    promised government Transparency - epic failure unless of course your aim was only to promise this to the sheeple dumb enough to believe it with no intention of instituting it.

    I noticed you're quoting Rush, as if it somehow helps make your case.
    Rush: "Obama Hasn't Failed, He's Succeeded In What He Intended To Do"

    "Well, he hasn't failed Paul. He's succeeded profoundly. He has done exactly what he intended to do and it's only taken him three years."-Rush Limbaugh

    I know you're comprehension challenged but Rush is not saying what you'd obviously like to think he's saying.
    He's saying Obama intended to fuck things up and HAS succeeded in that regard, only.
    #40     Dec 17, 2011