Obama- The over hyped unproven theory.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by NeoRio1, Sep 27, 2008.

  1. I don't think he misspelled his user name:
    #31     Sep 27, 2008
  2. How does one "prove" oneself in the OP's mind? Obama is proving himself everyday from what I can see.

    What is an adequate test? Every test being put before him on this campaign he is passing.

    If you are going just by bullet points. Obama's record is as impressive as any of the others.

    Furthermore his ability to articulate ideas in the here and now is superior to that of his opposition. Between McCain and Obama, McCain seems to be flipflopping more.

    And who can blame McCain for flipflopping? McCain's positions have been proven---proven to be bad.
    #32     Sep 27, 2008
  3. Capablanca. Let me know if this sounds weird. The first and only argument you made about Obama's experience was about how well he has run his campaigne. You say he looks good running his campaigne and you like what he has got to say. Guess what, when i watch his speeches i feel like he is the best candidate. I also agree that he has run a successful campaigne but when the only thing his supporters can argue experience wise is that he has run such a successful campaigne it make's Obama's experience look even more pitiful because they can barely say anything else without his experience sounding comical. Im going to go back to the same old analogy and argue that even though McCain is the old rusty car of a generation ago, people still know his car will run. No one has seen Obama's car move so for all the undecided voter's know they are buying a cardboard look a like.
    #33     Sep 28, 2008
  4. What's wrong with his 4000+ votes in the Illinois State Senate, over 800 bills sponsored or cosponsored, his experience as a director, a lawyer, an author, and a US Senator?

    And what makes you think a 72 year old man can run?
    #34     Sep 28, 2008
  5. Obama mis spoke,do you really believe he doesn't know geography ?
    #35     Sep 28, 2008
  6. Being a director, lawyer and author is nice. But first of all he got voted in the state senate because the main candidate was involved in a scandal. When he was in the state senate he hardly ever voted for anything because he did not want to be held accountable for his views. Half of his short congress career has been compaigning for president.

    For God sakes people i don't care if Obama was labeled an author, harvard law professor, lawyer. I care WHAT major impact he made and WHAT major challenges he faced nationally and universally. Forget what he SAYS. The undecided voters care about WHAT. He has never once been tested nationally. He knows nothing more about the economy than McCain which is the most important issue. If he has never been tested nationally with actual power in his hands rather than words coming out of his mouth, than how in the hell did you convince yourself that he is the best candidate?
    #36     Sep 28, 2008
  7. NeoRio1 maybe you could give an example of what something that is presidential in your view looks like?

    From what I know of Obama he's exercised what could be considered some executive functions in the role of an editor. True he was merely a student at the time but the publication was the Harvard Law Review. He had to deal with strongly opinionated and intellectually formidable personalities both liberal and conservative. My own observation is that politicians are intellectual lightweights in comparison to their counterparts in academia from whom they often take their ideas.

    As for his accomplishments since as a politician, as a representative of African Americans in terms of significance I think he now surpasses the likes of a Jesse Jackson by leagues. He probably only trails someone like Martin Luther King Jr. If you think about it what did MLKJ really do in terms of experience if not community organize and make speeches?

    I don't think the argument that he is merely a creation of the media flies either. If so, why has this not happened sooner with another candidate? The contrast with Palin is stark. One could argue that Palin is in a similar situation to Obama, but as a representative of women and of Alaskans, she is not handling the spotlight nearly as well. One could say the liberal media is demonizing her but Obama has had to endure the "Hussein Osama" charges as well from the right.

    The inescapable conclusion is that there is something special with Obama himself.

    I will agree with you though that in terms of actions that have actually accomplished a stated desired end result his record is lacking. But in that context McCain's isn't that much better.
    #37     Sep 28, 2008
  8. Lucrum


    Yes, I do.
    #38     Sep 28, 2008
  9. Lucrum


    That thought crossed my mind. BUT I asked several times about his alias - no response. Then I suggested and later accused him of misspelling and - no response. IOW he didn't even bother to deny it.
    And if his alias is a real pissed "nation" or "people", then who the fuck is he to presume that everyone he supposedly represents feels exactly the same way he does? Not mention accusing virtually everyone here of being stupid.

    I wonder - can he spell arrogance?
    #39     Sep 28, 2008

    #40     Sep 28, 2008