Obama The Dictator Decrees...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by pspr, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. pspr


    You are right. Contrary to the Constitution and the Oath of Office that Obama swore to on a Holy Bible, he has selectively enforced the laws of the United States.
    #31     Dec 5, 2012
  2. When was the last time any President did that ?
    #32     Dec 5, 2012
  3. jem


    1. prior to obama they picked by grades or submissions.
    that is my point.
    he got on without being qualified.

    2. we will see what they wind up with there are plenty of objectionable parts.
    #33     Dec 5, 2012

  4. Your point is wrong jem.The system changed in the 70's.Obama enrolled in Harvard in 1988
    #34     Dec 5, 2012
  5. jem


    did obama publish anything? how the hell can you be editor without publishing anything.

    my best professor in law school was black... he is a crit.
    he convinced me AA to a point is useful.

    But, don't try to act like this choomer was some sort of scholar. Is he smart... in my opinion yes..
    Was he likely still a stoner in college and law school... well I see zero evidence of accomplishment.... zero... He certainly was not a scholar.

    Hey, I do not have anything against having a good time in college. but you are not a scholar unless you have some sort of proof scholarship.
    #35     Dec 5, 2012
  6. It amuses me how a law professor can't pronounce corpsman.
    #36     Dec 5, 2012
  7. Obama was never a law "professor." that title means tenured faculty. he held some sort of make work, affirmative action job and was called a lecturer i believe. Basically the same as Michelle's cush job at the University hospital.

    The university of chicago is one of the most prestigious law schools in the country. They were not about to confer a full professorship on some guy who had never written one single piece of legal scholarship.
    #37     Dec 6, 2012

  8. As usual what you believe is wrong.I wouldn't expect anything less from a guy who thought Michelle Bachmann was the best choice for President


    "From 1992 until his election to the U.S. Senate in 2004, Barack Obama served as a professor in the Law School." - University of Chicago Law

    #38     Dec 6, 2012

  9. True,and Obama was a professor there .

    According to some righties being a Professor at one of the most prestigious law schools in the country isnt a real job though
    #39     Dec 6, 2012
  10. Cut through all the spin and what we have is another guy who stood in front of a class and theorized. Another pin headed academic with zero real world experience. Doesn't matter whether it's law or production planning for a factory. There's the classroom, and then there's reality.
    #40     Dec 6, 2012