Obama takes Romney to school

Discussion in 'Politics' started by walter4, Oct 23, 2012.

  1. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1012/82733.html

    BOCA RATON, Fla. - - At the very beginning of his third and final debate with Barack Obama Monday night, Mitt Romney turned toward the president and said: “Mr. President, it’s good to be with you again.”

    Fact check! Ten Pinocchios! Five pairs of pants on fire!

    And I would bet that, about 90 minutes later, even Romney would agree that it was not that good to have been on the debate stage with Obama once again.

    At age 65, Mitt Romney probably thought he was done with school. But he got schooled by Obama on foreign policy at what will be their last meeting before Election Day.

    Romney wasn’t terrible. But he was on the defensive for much of the evening, a fine sheen of sweat popped put on his forehead long before the debate ended, and - -worst of all - - Romney was repeatedly forced to say he agreed with Obama on policy after policy.

    This may not have been so bad, but Obama chose a good evening to be good. Having learned his lesson in Denver, having sharpened his skills at the second debate in Hempstead, N.Y., Obama unloaded on Romney in Boca Raton with a prepared theme: “Wrong and reckless.”

    “I know you have not been in a position to execute foreign policy,” Obama said snidely to Romney. “But (yours) is wrong and reckless leadership that is all over the map. It is not recipe for American strength or to keep America safe.”

    And what could possibly be worse than being wrong and reckless with American lives?

    Being like George W. Bush and Dick Cheney!

    “He’s praised George Bush as a good economic steward and Dick Cheney as somebody who shows great wisdom and judgment,” Obama sneered. “And taking us back to those kinds of strategies that got us into this mess is not … going to maintain leadership and take us into the 21st century.”

    Romney swatted back, but a little feebly. “Attacking me is not an agenda,” Romney sniffed.

    Oh, yeah? Since when? In what country is he running for president?

    The subject of the debate, which was very ably moderated by Bob Schieffer, was supposed to be foreign policy. But both candidates managed to pivot to domestic policy time and time again, and for the very good reason that domestic policy is far more likely to decide the election.

    And there is another problem with foreign policy, which Romney demonstrated when he twice mentioned Mali.

    Mali? Is Romney not aware that in an oft-quoted Roper poll sponsored by the National Geographic Society in 2006, 75 percent of American young people couldn’t find Israel on a map - - which might be understandable considering it’s pretty small - - but also that 50 percent couldn’t find Ohio? Or New York?
  2. [​IMG]

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  4. That was a beat down :)
  5. Lucrum


    Obama could trip walking down the stairs, shit his pants and scream like a girl and you'd claim it was a beat down.
  6. Short bus knows right where to go when it comes to Obama and school.
  7. Do they use bayonets or not?
  8. I distinctly remember at least 2 weeks of bayonet training and a bayonet course ( in which 1 trainee died) when I was in the Infantry.
  9. I don't think that's accurate, didn't AK say Obama got beat in the first debate? Maybe it's the Romney guys who can't see the truth, which is understandable, it is Romney we're talking about.
  10. Wallet


    Any defense of Obama afterthe first debate would have been laughable, when Chris Matthews concedes defeat you know it's bad. But the first debate is the only time we have seen a beat down, someone getting taken to school since then they have been 50/50 with both sides pointing out weaknesses in their opponents arguments... That's where everyone's personal bias kicks in, and they see what they want. There was no beat down last night.
    #10     Oct 23, 2012