Obama shows all that he is unfit to serve

Discussion in 'Politics' started by jficquette, Sep 15, 2008.

  1. I can tell you are a loser.
    #21     Sep 16, 2008
  2. acejeff5


    Educated response...i can see where you must be coming from.....taking problems out on others...typical.......happy trading
    #22     Sep 16, 2008
  3. Screw the polls. Morris, everyone else on the pol commentary circuit, even our ET rightwingers have somehow missed the biggest story of all - Republicans have added OVER ONE HUNDRED ELECTORAL VOTES* in the last month or so as Flufferboy Obama's childlike bid for the Presidency disintegrates.


    * It could actually be closer to 125 votes and less than a month and I dont think Dems ADDED ANY VOTES to speak of.
    #23     Sep 16, 2008
  4. Yannis


  5. Clinton rushed through a bunch of stuff like over the top environmental rules, knowing the republicans would have to get rid of them. Then the dems could scream the republicans were gutting environmental protection. The point was, Clinton didn't want them in place during his presidency. He just wanted to leave a bunch of stink bombs for his successor.

    I'm not familiar with the details of the Iraqi agreement. I think it would be problematic for Bush to commit us to some significant obligation at this point or to tie his successor's hands. Simply agreeing to withdraw some troops, when that is Obama's policy as well, would not seem to me to be that big a deal.

    I would say the bigger issue is Obama's attempting to politicize decisions of the President involving troop levels during a war. Obama seems to have troubling understanding that we have only one president and, so far at least, it is not him.
    #25     Sep 16, 2008
  6. the real question is does the country deserve better leadership than the republicans have delivered? if you keep doing the same thing,electing republicans, and expect better results who is the fool? fool me once its their fault, fool me twice its your fault.
    #26     Sep 16, 2008
  7. Yannis


    I think Republicans have done a good job leading this country, and they intend to do even better in the near future. Bush may be low in the polls (largely as a result of a coordinated attack by the liberal media) but he's consistently scoring twice as high as the Dem-led Congress of the last two years. Yes, I know, it's easy to throw rocks from a distance, but reality is different than what many people are trying to scare us with.
    #27     Sep 16, 2008
  8. are you joking. you play the market. do you see anything resembling good leadership out of the republicans that led us into this disaster. the democtats may be no better but you sure dont give those that led us here another term.
    even john mccain doesnt think republicans are doing a good job. he is running against them.
    #28     Sep 16, 2008
  9. Yannis


    First, the looser regulations that allowed this (Bear Sterns, Merril Lynch, Lehman Bros, AIG, etc) fiasco were championed and introduced by Clinton. Second, don't confuse what McCain says now with what he's going to do afterwards: lower taxes, strong defense, respect for life... sound familiar? In addition, he wants to push the party forward and establish better immigration policies and to eliminate pork: great goals both of them. On top of that, heeeere's Sarah!!! :)
    #29     Sep 16, 2008
  10. Yannis


    IMAO: Opinion of a Concerned Progressive

    "People who read this blog know that I have been a leader in progressive causes for forty-three years and have been active in the Democratic Party all that time, but while I think Barack Obama seems like a nice person, I worry he could ultimatly hurt the Democrats and progressivism. The thing is, while he tries to be a liberal, I suspect he's not all that bright. That's why for the first time ever I'm considering voting Republican because of incidents like these:


    ...he tried to pass a ban on semi-automatic salted weapons.

    ...the reason he pressed the "Present" button when voting so many times is because he thought then he'd get one.

    ...he's proposed abandoning Iraq and dividing the country between the Kurds and Whey.

    ...when he heard some abortion doctors needed new equipment, he got them shotguns to shoot down storks.

    ...he's claimed the government can afford all his proposals by raising taxes on people named "Rich."

    ...he's loudly complained about people confusing his name with Obama's.

    ...he tried to increase funding for St. Patrick's Day thinking it was a celebration of going green.

    ...when he realized he didn't know who the leaders of the terrorists are, he wrote his proposed surrender on the War on Terror "To Whom It May Concern."

    ...he gets angry at any foreign dignitaries who visits America and don't speak Spanish.

    ...trying to one up Hillary during the campaign, he proposed galactic health care.

    ...he says he's open to bisexual talks with North Korea.

    ...pandering to illegal immigrants he said, "Ich bin ein taco supreme!"

    ...when he first tried cocaine, he did it by sprinkling it on a donut.

    ...when trying to share in the culture when visiting an Islamic state, when about to pray he asked in what direction was Macaca.

    ...he feels guilty whenever he eats peanut butter on a Ritz since his church is always going on about how evil crackers are.

    ...when he heard his half-brother lives in a tiny hut in Kenya, he asked if it was the pizza kind.

    ...when he was told Republicans were engaged in an assault on "choice," he wrote a long letter in defense of Baskin-Robbins 31 Flavors.

    ...when he heard Bill Ayers had planted bombs at the Pentagon, he thought it was to help the military grow more bombs.

    ...he proposed a gay marriage bill to allow lesbians and gay men to marry.

    ...he wondered aloud if Dumbo was based on him. When asked if he meant because of the ears, he replied, "No, because of the name."

    All this, and I hear that whenever Obama's campaign has a policy meeting, they need to make sure there's no bucket on the floor near Obama or otherwise when he gets bored he'll get curious if his head will fit inside and inevitably get it stuck. Thus, despite the fact that I'm a long time progressive, I think I may have to vote this year for McCain and Palin. You other progressives should consider it to."

    :) :) :)
    #30     Sep 16, 2008