Obama should pick a younger VP, Biden is too OLD!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by FortuneTeller, Aug 13, 2012.

  1. Yeah, you know what I'm saying. If Obama has a heart attack or something then the country would have the old man Biden running the country? Are you kidding me? He's 3/4 senile! He's too old!
  2. Lucrum


    he's also perpetually drunk
  3. oh that's it,I just thought he was always fricken stupid.
  4. lol.... a sharper Vice President and it will be like a walk in the park.:).
  5. Brass


    Whatever his faults, Biden will hogtie Ryan during the vice presidential debate. Must-see TV.
  6. wishful thinking,biden reminds me of you :D :D.

    The only way biden wins a debate is by babbling incoherently and idiots like you thinking he's speaking in "tongues".
  7. Brass


    Presumably you are referring to disjointed words and phrases such as "trickle down supply side soon-to-have" and so on.
  8. Lucrum


    They're going to wrestle at the debates, instead of debating?

    And you think the old drunk will beat the younger guy?

    Of course in your extremely biased mind Biden has already won, before he says a word. Fortunately for us voters your Canadian opinion matters not on this subject.
  9. Lucrum


    Which makes you a trickle up poverty never-to-have kinda guy?
  10. Brass


    As Ricter repeatedly points out, but you and yours are too dim to understand, there is not so much an absence of cash among the rich right now, but a relative absence of demand among consumers. Trickle down doesn't help anyone when there is no demand except it helps the rich to pocket and park more cash. Trickle up sparks the engine of demand and gets the economic motor running. I just wish you were smart enough for this post not to be a complete waste of my time.
    #10     Aug 13, 2012