Obama says 'paygo'

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Mav88, Jun 10, 2009.

  1. MarkBrown


    here's the deal - the warning shot has been fired over your head - take heed the bullets name is obama. now you can set there and get annihilated or you can do like me and get your bags packed and make plans to get the hell out of town.

    all the bitchin in the world isn't going to change anything - it's like the employees of corporations who stock went from 20 dollars down to 20 cents DUH at what time during the ride down did you not think hey i better be looking for another job?

    exactly the same with the us - the ride has been good and long but now come the due theory. the us is due really bad times and so at what point of this ride down don't you ask yourself i better be looking for another country? after all that's what brought my folks here in the first place gens ago.
    #11     Jun 11, 2009

  2. I'm not quite that naive, I can see how it could be a gimmick.

    However it may not be, maybe it save just a tiny bit of money. Maybe it saves a lot. It can't HURT and will probably help, so besides the fact that it was Obama's idea, whats your beef?

    The problem with you is that you can't recognize facts that don't agree with your "dems are to blame or everything bad and nothing good" philosophy. Anyone who has ever implied that dems or CRA are responsible for the proliferation of subprime loans is simply grasping at the straws of their republican religion. You are like the dirty hippy who thinks we should all just share our money and just get along, only the opposite side of the spectrum.
    #12     Jun 11, 2009
  3. Will you please talk to Barney Frank?

    He was just on yesterday claiming it was all the republicans fault.
    #13     Jun 11, 2009
  4. Lucrum


  5. Well that makes complete sense.

    Because Franks is a fucking idiot lol.
    #15     Jun 11, 2009
  6. That long video lol. Anyways it doesn't matter. Everyone except for the die hard, nothing left to lose conservatives actually think that the CRA caused anything. Its pretty much ridiculous, but happens to fill a very nice hole in the hearts of a lot of you. Blaming all this on the dems and the lazy poor people must feel really good.

    I'm on a few actual political and economic forums and as you can imagine, there is some furious debate regarding current policies etc. But the whole CRA thing? not really a debate since anyone with half a brain can see that it wasn't the CRA.
    #16     Jun 11, 2009
  7. #17     Jun 11, 2009
  8. You keep referencing that it is only the republicans blaming the dems, why?

    The dems have been just as busy blaming the repubs.
    #18     Jun 11, 2009
  9. Tom B

    Tom B

    That is because jonbig04 says he is not a liberal. :D
    #19     Jun 11, 2009
  10. I don't recall ever saying that "it is only the republicans blaming the dems". It's just as much of a crap shoot on both sides. However on in this forum its pretty obvious which side is being advocated. And no, I'm not liberal...I just have a brain. I don't think in absolutes, because few things are.
    #20     Jun 11, 2009