Obama Says Palin Daughter Off Limits

Discussion in 'Politics' started by OldTrader, Sep 1, 2008.

  1. I agree, I don't think Obama was being political just being himself and showing some class. I like when he mentioned his mom was a teen when she had him. Duh!
    #11     Sep 1, 2008
  2. Look, this is not really about the daughter at all...it is about the mother.

    The mother is fair game, and how she raises her kids is fair game, etc. especially if she preaches "family values" to others.

    How she runs her personal life is fair game, it is the arena that she stepped into when she said yes to McCain's offer.

    The pols are as bad as the Hollywood celebs who hate the paparazzi, but want to be photographed and get all the free publicity they can...when they can control it.

    Teenage pregnancy is a huge issue in this country, and needs to be addressed...not swept under the rug.

    If the mother didn't want this kind of attention going to her daughter, she should not have decided to enter the big ring...

    BO is saying the politically correct thing, he may or may not be genuine, I couldn't care less.

    Both he and McCain will do almost anything to win, nearly every move is part of the strategy for winning.
    #12     Sep 1, 2008
  3. kut2k2


    Agreed, this isn't about Bristol Palin, whom I have nothing but sympathy for; she didn't ask to live in this limelight. This is about the honesty of Sarah Palin. Remember when Republicans told us it was all about Clinton's lying about his affair, not the affair itself? Well, guess what, Republicans.
    #13     Sep 1, 2008
  4. Obama showed some class regarding this. Perhaps you should try to learn from him.

    I do think Teen pregnancy is a issue. However, the issue was clearly not swept under the rug. LOL. You'd have to be blind, deaf, or dumb to make that statement. In case you missed it though, the pregnancy was announced. Now, if you think that teen pregnancy is something to talk about as an issue in this campaign, then just talk about it. Just make it a generalized topic, not a topic about Sara Palin's daughter.

    In the final analysis, this isn't about Sara Palin. It's about the daughter, who has nothing to do with the campaign. The daughter obviously made a mistake. So what? 17 year olds make them all the time. Even 17 year olds with a good upbringing.

    #14     Sep 1, 2008
  5. The "honesty" of Sarah Palin? LOL. What's that got to do with this? You been hanging out at the Daily Kos, or Huffington again? Geezuz.

    #15     Sep 1, 2008
  6. You don't know if Obama was showing class or just being political about the deal.

    You can believe whatever you like, but I see in Obama a desire to be president on par with McBush and all the others.

    I have no reason to trust any of them, but it doesn't matter either way.

    This is about the mother. Her daughter's position is a side effect of the disease, not the cause...

    Look, Palin is going to parade her family around on the campaign, holding her down's syndrome baby, trying to appeal to soccer moms in a hope of scoring points for family values, she is using her family to accomplish her political ends.

    That is the cold hard truth, and if she doesn't want her daughter under that kind of scrutiny, then drop out of the campaign.

    I have sympathy for the kid, but I blame the mom 100% for the situation.

    Palin can't use her family for what she wants, and demand that we give privacy where she doesn't want the limelight to go...

    #16     Sep 1, 2008
  7. This is a specious argument because he has stated his stance in the past that families should not be part of the debate.

    The accusation that his campaign is behind some of the rumor-mongering requires a response, and he gave a forceful one - anyone found to be involved in said rumor-mongering will be fired.

    Remember when Bush said he would fire anyone for leaking classified info on a certain CIA operative? Do you think Obama would keep his word or follow Bush's example?
    #17     Sep 1, 2008
  8. Question is would Obama pardon the criminal after breaking his word to fire criminals?

    #18     Sep 1, 2008
  9. Palin is a VPILF for sure,,,I might even vote for mccain now, I wasnt even going to vote because the reps have let me down so much. She is a candidate I could feel comfortable getting behind.
    #19     Sep 1, 2008
  10. kut2k2


    #20     Sep 1, 2008