Obama Rips Hedge Funds

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by marketsurfer, May 1, 2009.

  1. Thanks for citing a "NObama" blog as your source.

    Maybe it would've been better that you cited Frank Marshall Davis's connection to Obama with "The Obama Nation"... another anti-Obama material, at least this is a book.

    Even if the connections were true, do you think this guy really influenced his economic ideology? He probably preached about racial injustices... especially since their "supposed" relationship dealt with the issue of being an African-American.

    Don't forget that Obama went to Columbia University and then Harvard. Do you really think he developed his economic ideology as a 15 year old in Hawaii or as a graduate at Northeastern Universities.

    I'm not trying to defend Obama, but some of the accusations are ludicrous. I am a registered Republican and support Ron Paul.

    I'm also against any bailouts and TARP. Let the weak fail and go bankrupt. It's there fault they took those risks. Its unfortunate that many innocent blue-collar victims would lose their money, but that's the only way that toxic assets can be dealt with. The FED's stimulus is just creating a larger bubble! Welcome inflation!
    #21     May 2, 2009
  2. Obama was the beginning of the end

    you can continue believing in Obama as much as you want, because it is not about Obama anymore, this is a country that has been incompetent in maintaining its global position
    #22     May 2, 2009
  3. that's why humans deserve what they get, when you give any power to any entity, regardless of the amount of power you give to him/her or the reason you give it, you also give him/her the right to use it against you with it, basically if you give someone a strap-on dildo and then bend over, you shouldn't be surprised if he/she sticks it in your a**

    people weigh the cons and pros and the possibilities to the extent their level of intelligence permits them, and most people conclude that it is just easier to let others run their lives for them, it has never worked, democracy, dictatorship, they all end up f*king the people till they bleed to death, it's no different this time
    #23     May 2, 2009