Obama Releases CIA Interrogation Techniques

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AAAintheBeltway, Apr 16, 2009.

  1. #11     Apr 17, 2009
  2. Once again, you prove how much of a "pea-brained" ignoramous you are.

    There was no "spin" as you say whatsoever.
    Moreover, Obama pussied out and gave the people that sanctioned the trampling of our U.S. Constitution a "get out of jail free" card.

    The evidence from these memos is very clear. What was clear is that there was an assault on the U.S. Constitution that gave the government a free pass to torture not just enemy combatants, but also in principle American citizens via the FBI.

    It was a broad-based philosophy by a corrupt DOJ and Administration that allowed the government to also spy on U.S. citizens.


    The end result was an Administration that had absolutely ZERO respect for the United States Constitution.

    You say that WE ALL KNOW what happened, but you are a fool if you actually believe that.
    You don't know jack.

    Bush said that we don't torture.
    He also said that we don't spy on American citizens. Cheney said the same thing; with Navy general counsel Alberto Mora adding that international law defined cruelty as "the imposition of severe physical or mental pain or suffering; torture is an extreme version of cruelty which we don't engage in. Secretary of State, Colin Powell conveniently remarked that he "did not know that torture was being authorized."

    Yeah, right buddy.
    LIARS, all of them.

    All of you "neo-cons" bitch and moan about how "big" government is becoming under the Obama Administration's ambitious plans for health-care, energy, banking regulation, etc., and how obtrusive it will be in our lives . . . yet you didn't seem to have ANY problem whatsoever when the CIA and FBI were trampling all over the Constitution under Bush/Cheney.


    You just showed how much of a hypocrite you are again. You seem to do that really well. You also sound like the kind of guy that would have enjoyed living in "East Germany" during the 60's and 70's.
    #12     Apr 17, 2009
  3. Obama is stupid and so are you.

    The guantanamo prisoners were lab rats, next in line is your kids and grandkids.
    #13     Apr 17, 2009
  4. These memos described techniques other than waterboarding. Obama has basically provided free training in resisting interrogation to any future terrorists who might be sitting on crucial info. Of course, it is not much of a risk for Obama since Homeland Security will now be monitoring anti-abortion rallies rather than trying to infiltrate radical mosques. They won't be catching any real terrorists to interrogate. And what CIA or special forces operator will risk being connected to grabbing any terrorists? They have a real risk that Obama will release their names to the media or have them prosecuted to placate the ACLU.

    My advice is to move out of major cities and avoid public transport.
    #14     Apr 17, 2009
  5. What a shocker.
    Yet another incredibly ignorant post from Mr. ET

    You obviously have never heard of the Army Field Manual on Interrogation, sometimes known as "FM 34-52" in the military.

    Previous to December of 2005, the manual's interrogation techniques section could be read freely on the Internet.

    That means that under your beloved Bush Administration the interrogation portion of the Army Field Manual was readily available to anyone who had access to the Internet.

    Once again, you show a distinct inability to make use of logic and reason in a most rational manner.
    #15     Apr 17, 2009
  6. These were techniques not approved by the Army Field Manual, whichis limited to interrogation permitted to be used on POWs under the Geneva Conventions.

    I'm getting tired of correcting your nonstop mistatements. Maybe you should do more reading and less posting.
    #16     Apr 17, 2009
  7. So if they are not approved by the Army Field Manual, could it be that they then are considered illegal under the U.S. Constitution because when applied in a certain manner they are deemed to be "torture"?

    Try turning on your brain.
    You continue to FAIL in epic proportions.
    #17     Apr 17, 2009
  8. I will put this way: If there was a replacement for OIL found, war on terror would cease at once and troops would be out of iraq pronto.
    #18     Apr 17, 2009
  9. AAA, this thread is all about you flailing and grasping at straws.
    #19     Apr 17, 2009
  10. No, it is about the consequences of electing a naive and inexperienced ACORN goon to be president of the United States. Today he authorizes the release of information that a CIA agent would have been prosecuted for treason for releasing. Tomorrow, who knows? He evidently either has no appreciation for the risk terrorism poses or thinks his humiliating apologies will fix everything.
    #20     Apr 17, 2009