Obama Proves He's Weak On Illegals AND States Rights

Discussion in 'Politics' started by HelloDollar, Apr 23, 2010.

  1. I suppose you are trying to foment an argument, Optional-style, but not even a liberal can be this dumb.

    Name one country in the world where your theory is applied.
    #21     Apr 24, 2010
  2. What pisses off the AAA types is that the illegals can't be treated like slaves from Africa.

    Rest assured, if Mexicans could be bought and sold as slaves he would have no problem at all with American businessmen buying Mexicans and bringing them over the border in slave buses.

    No, what really gets in AAA's craw is that the Mexicans are classified as human beings, and not property...

    #22     Apr 24, 2010
  3. Wallet


    Inflammatory Bull shit post, I've come to expect nothing less.

    No, the problem with illegal aliens are just that, ILLEGAL. The present idea of border patrol and defense is a joke and a serious danger to this country. Not to mention the voting influence being perpetrated by politicians using their naturalization as blackmail.

    As long as their labor influence is kept below the blue collar minimum wage sector, most people seem to turn their eyes, but when the volume of illegible immigration continues to swell eventually it will spill into other sectors, and you will have a large illegal base without the normal social controls.

    AAA is correct, there is no other country in the world that allows the illegal access across it's boarders like the USA. Elsewhere is met with strict incarceration at minimum.
    #23     Apr 24, 2010
  4. Pretty typical teagagger style post.

    Blame the government.

    All the while the people who hire illegals never go to jail...

    Why is that?

    Why didn't the Bush congress legislate harsh punishment for the plantation owner mentality who hires illegals?

    Such a load of crap from the teagaggers...

    The republicans would grant amnesty in a heartbeat to all illegals if they thought they could get their vote...

    #24     Apr 24, 2010
  5. Wallet


    Bullshit again.

    People who hire illegals should go to jail.

    Why didn't Clinton?

    It doesn't matter who, it's wrong.

    I love all the attention the Left and the Media is giving the Tea Party folks...... When they stop debating the issues and start attacking with insults, you know they have lost the argument and see them as a real threat, which they have and should.
    #25     Apr 24, 2010
  6. How do you know they are illegal Wallet? Have you ever stopped there and talked to any of them. I haven't hired any from that street corner but I have in Lubbock Texas years ago and from my limited experience most were Americans, but again that was probably 10 years ago. Some were illegals I guess, they didn't speak english so I didn't hire them.
    Do you want to carry your passport everywhere you go in America too Wallet? If the police can stop and jail any one who cannot prove they are here legally, well buddy that includes you and me every time we leave the house without our passport or birth certificate. Just think under the tea bag regime a day at the beach could end with a couple of weeks in jail as relatives scramble to find paper work suitable for the local gestapo.

    Racism, fear and hate, the three horsemen of the tea baggers.

    #26     Apr 24, 2010
  7. Why didn't Clinton?

    Why didn't Reagan, Bush I, Bush II, Obama?

    Point is that it is an easy problem to fix if all Americans refuse to hire illegals...and that way it doesn't matter what the government does...

    #27     Apr 24, 2010
  8. Theres nothing more hypocritical on this planet then a Republican.They start threads criticizing Obama on Immigration yet Bush and McCain tried to grant amnesty to every illegal only a few years ago
    #28     Apr 24, 2010
  9. Wallet


    I was there for a couple of weeks doing some contract work for an Insurance Company at the dealership across the street, I drive a van with my business, and was approached daily by the good folks standing there in large crowds mistaking me as a possible employer. Out of the 50 or more that approached me as I parked across the street on property owned by the dealership, only one spoke English.

    If it looks like a rose and smells like a rose, guess what?

    Do you carry a drivers license? What do you show a police officer when he asks for your ID? What you describe already exists in this country sad to say. But the illegal alien problem is only growing and getting worse.

    Again I have nothing against any person wanting to better their life, but our country has laws that allow people to lawfully come here.

    I have traveled, mission work, in Mexico and Honduras and have seen 3rd world poverty, but their plight does not give them the right to freely trespass, there's poverty in this country that needs addressed too.
    #29     Apr 24, 2010
  10. Isn't Phoenix the kidnapping capital of America? Isn't that the motivation behind what the Governor did?
    #30     Apr 24, 2010