Obama pays price for thinking Bush was a dunce

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Mercor, Jun 3, 2010.

  1. Yannis


    How About This For A Conspiracy Theory?

    It makes sense that big (huge) money has an interest in getting the worst president elected because very deep pockets benefit from a relatively sudden and dramatic drop in the market, like 4,000 or 6,000 Dow points in a few months. They can plan for it and go short. Then, they also benefit from the gradual move up, as many others work to fix things and get the economy back in order. A few years later, let's do it again, get the right guy to send the market real low real fast, and so on and so forth.

    What's the alternative from their perspective? Slow growth or sideways movement for many years? Where's the fun in that? How do we get the cash register to ring a lot? My guess is that many of those guys consider slow/regular growth unacceptable.

    By this token, it tehrefore makes sense that Buffet, Soros et al put Obama in charge -- the worse for the economy (most clueless) the better... :(
    #121     Jun 8, 2010
  2. Hello


    Did you really expect anything different from him? A while ago he accused me of being a racist for agreeing with people he has accused of being racist, even though i have never even said anything on this site which could even remotely be considered racist. Then when presented with the quote by bill Maher about Obama being a "Real Black President," he explained how maher is not a racist but bugscoe is, because maher is not on "parole" in his eyes, while bugscoe is, when asked how one gets on parole he was unable to find a single quote from bugscoe which was even close to as offensive as Bill Maher's, thus further proving that his definition of a racist is anyone who disagrees with Obama.

    He has created quite the fantasy world for himself, whereby Republicans are pure evil and Dems are pure good, and there is no argument, when you slap him around a bit for his psychotic views, he comes back with a shitty one liner, atleast if you slap him around enough, he will just quit responding rather than trying to justify any of his fucked up opinions, like optional777. He is still a troll of the highest order. Like ZzZzZz he will never ever admit he is wrong, he is incapable of it, he would rather post a shitty one liner, or get slapped around for a bit in a debate and post nothing than admit he might have ever been wrong on any issue.

    #122     Jun 8, 2010
  3. I have admiited to being wrong on a number of occasions. Point to a single instance where you admitted making a mistake. Just one.

    Nothing, eh? Okay, here's your chance to do the right thing and own up to a bullshit argument:


    You're welcome.
    #123     Jun 16, 2010