Obama nominates a racist

Discussion in 'Politics' started by drjekyllus, May 26, 2009.

  1. Actually I did. And, even though I disagreed with many of his policies, primarily the Iraq war, I was genuinely pissed off when I saw protesters in other countries with defamatory signs, and throwing rocks and all that. Whether you're a Rush/Hannity ditto head type, or a Oberman/Matthews leftie, we're all Americans. Or at least we were when I grew up.

    #31     May 27, 2009
  2. The same activist concerns about injecting biases were rampant during the neo-con era, which appears to be over for a while. Imposing one's religious beliefs on our Nation just doesn't cut it. Debate, vote, debate, vote. Not perfect, but it's what we have.

    #32     May 27, 2009
  3. since written laws can not anticipate every case that they will asked to address there will always be an element of judjement involved in decision making.
    another function of a supreme court judge is to overturn law that may have been thought constitutional by every judge that ruled before. lady justice is blindfolded because somtimes she has to administer justice to the powerless individual against the powerful majority.
    #33     May 27, 2009
  4. Tom B

    Tom B

    I agree.
    #34     May 27, 2009
  5. Cesko



    I didn't say Obama=Hitler. I said overly dogmatic ideological characters have problems to relate to people on personal level. Psychological profile on Obama has been done.

    I don't need to denigrate idiot POTUS by "comparing" him to Hitler. Association with Mr.Wright will do.
    #35     May 27, 2009
  6. Tom B

    Tom B

    Obama's pick clearly does not follow the principles of Lady Justice.

    "Lady Justice is often depicted wearing a blindfold. This is done in order to indicate that justice is (or should be) meted out objectively, without fear or favor, regardless of identity, power, or weakness: blind justice and blind impartiality."

    #36     May 27, 2009
  7. Absolutely, that's inevitable. The difference is in viewpoints is that one can set out to be as impartial as possible, and allow some judgement to the extent necessary; or one can set out to do justice, with the idea that impartiality will be employed so long as it fits the judge's idea of justice.

    Note that SC justices, including the self-labeled "strict constructionalists" are very much guilty of the latter and usually twist logic and words to justify whatever outcome they're looking to achieve, even if they don't expressly say so like Sotomayor. That said, it's not something we should celebrate and openly praise.
    #37     May 27, 2009
  8. Sotomayor, if confirmed, will be the 111th judge to sit on the court. One-hundred-six white men, two African-American men and two white women have gone before her.
    #38     May 28, 2009
  9. fhl


    White men make better and more fair and just decisions, based upon the richness of their life experiences.

    In addition, white men have very compelling personal stories to attest to their qualifications.
    #39     May 28, 2009
  10. So you are a white male chauvinist racist...


    Must really suck for you to have a black man as president, and now a new Supreme Court Justice that is a woman, and of Puerto Rican descent...

    #40     May 28, 2009